Nick Durie 3 hrs · Labour is reduced to what every thinking - TopicsExpress


Nick Durie 3 hrs · Labour is reduced to what every thinking voter knows is a scandalous and mendacious campaign of threating people’s incomes and jobs – Johann and Margaret Curran are in the papers today proudly announcing that their mighty Union will declare Clyde shipbuilders foreigners, throw them out of work and close the yards. And they’re smiling…Johann wears the same smile she had when opening the food bank. What pride. Any socialist, no matter how disillusioned with the party, must realise this is the end game…that even in victory, if it happens, this can’t go on. These are not the politics of inclusion and progress, this is managing decline. With Balls, Rachel Reeves and Chris Leslie all spelling out the grim truth – that Labour will not reverse a single Tory cut and Reeves boasting they will be tougher than the Tories – Labour is shackled like Houdini, writhing for escape before the air runs out. No one I know in Labour thinks Lamont is a leader or that she will carry on. No one believes Miliband will be Prime Minister. We now know that if, by accident, he was, his spending policies are those of Tory austerity. When you consider what Labour could have been offering with their own Devo Max, the dreams they could have ignited, the triumphant campaign meetings across Scotland – even in West Linton – this is a puzzling and depressing episode for historians to pick over.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 20:28:54 +0000

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