Night 15 : We have got to the half way stage of this blessed month - TopicsExpress


Night 15 : We have got to the half way stage of this blessed month so fast and alhamdulilah Its gone beautifully, but tonight I would like to make aware to everyone about the protest which will be held tomorrow in Bradford Centenary Square at 7.30pm To demonstrate and show solidarity with the victims of Israeli mass murder and brutality; and demand justice and freedom for Palestine. Share and invite and turn words and feelings into deeds and actions. It is the very least we should do if we believe in human dignity and are disgusted by the barbarity of Colonial Israel. ALL WELCOME Bring your friends and family, your voice, placards, banners, your indignance and your solidarity. Why? Because if we recognize the suffering of Palestinians, and are appalled by the ongoing massacre, then we have a moral duty to take action in support and solidarity with the struggle for liberation. Ultimately injustice can only continue through indifference and inaction. The conflicts violence is not inevitable or accidental, it is part of the strategy of a willful brutal colonial project. It has happened in a broader political context of ongoing siege, occupation, colonisation, mass-incarceration, subjugation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. The worlds eyes are on the region now, but a child has died on average every 3 days at the hands of Israel between 2000-2013, we demand justice, equality and freedom for ALL the victims of Israeli aggression who suffer under its weight, walls, checkpoints, settlements and watchtowers every single day. Protests are being organized in cities around Britain and the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza and the killing of over 100 Palestinians by occupation forces, the mass arrests of over 900, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:41:38 +0000

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