Night Of Promotion 2014 at GLM Macha Pastor Judah Kalinga Good - TopicsExpress


Night Of Promotion 2014 at GLM Macha Pastor Judah Kalinga Good Things In You In Christ Jesus (Philemon 1:6) • 2 Corinthians 3:5 Ephesians 5:30 John5:26 wow awesome…Christianity is the life of God in man.Jesus was already whipped for me.You cannot threaten me with God.You cannot report me to God hehe..1John5:11 I have eternal life hallelujah..2Timothy1:10 I am immortal haha kayaaa you will never find my name on a tombstone nooo this kingdom you choose to sleep if you want lol..I am the righteousness of God 2Cor 5:21 Romans 6:6 Hebrews 3:1. 2 cor 5:17 hallelujah I am a new creation • Every man has been created for a purpose.God brought me in this world to reign in this life;my faith transcends.No man was born to be poor or sick.Your meant to rule.Genesis 1:26..I am rich.There is nothing like middle class.The middle class are just poor decorated men.I am not average. Proverbs 23:7. Success is the influence of the world with the investment of your personality.It is making the world to think like you…The Word can make a man. • Great men are made of words.You cannot rise above your thinking.Change your thoughts.Who you are today is as a result of what you know or don’t know. • .My life is ordered of God.I cannot miss anything God has planned for me.I am special and I deserve special treatment hehe…Ephesians 2:10 I am God’s own handiwork recreated in Christ Jesus.There is a good life that has been prearranged for me.God has invested heavily in life.He has given me Zoe(God kind of life),Holy Spirit and His righteousness…1cor 2:5..I have believed in Jesus Christ so am not in the class of those who can be crushed..Matthew 12:35. • God is not in the business of seeing you not being destroyed but God is in the business of watching His Word fulfilled in you..Because of Jesus Christ we have become the glory of God..1Peter 1:10-11..I come from above.I come from the source of glory ayayaya heee and am above all..John 3:13..Colossians 1:26-27 ayayaya hehe deep stuff…When you take the Word into your spirit you will manifest the character of God.Dont contaminate your mind with the philosophies of men…I am a saint(most holy thing) by the blood of Jesus Christ.I am unreprovable..Ephesians1:4-I was chosen to be holy kayaaa..The Bible is the Word of God. • Matthew 12:35-I am a good man and I got good treasure and I bring forth good things.How do I bring the good treasure to the outside?By speaking words that are consistent with the Word of God…God willed the whole world to Abraham and I am Abraham’s seed woooa I am a partaker of this…Galatians 3:29.3John 1:2.Prosperity of God is in you…John 1:16-And of His fullness have all we received and grace upon grace.It is too late to be poor nauuuu…Proverbs 4:18 message version hehe the longer they live the brighter they shine.I age with grace..My future is a done deal.My future is settled.I shine brighter and brighter till the perfect day of the Lord….Psalms 37:37 my end is peace and prosperity hallelujah..I got to see what God is seeing heee future is something to celebrate about hallelujah.I will live long.My end is peace and I am perfect kabayah.,,Hebrews 10:14-I have been perfected forever hallelujah. • Pilemon 1:6-Acknowledge all the good things that God has deposited in you..Personalize the Word.Move from the point of saying “the Word says” to where you personalize it..I am moving at the speed of the Holy Spirit…..Galatians 2:20 ayayaya amen.I live by the faith of the Son of God.This is the faith that calls those things that are not as though they were.It is the faith that speaks to the death.This is the faith of Jesus.I do everything by the power that has been vigorated in me..God loved me even when I was a sinner.He didn’t wait for me to change first Gal 2:20 I am the beloved of God..Ephesians1:6-I am accepted in the beloved.I am not performing to be accepted.He already loved and accepted me. • What you know is what causes the glory of the Father to rest upon you.1John4:17 wow I am like Jesus nauuu.What you know will never leave you even when you sleep(Jesus-resurrection)..2Cor3:5-My sufficiency is of God.There is dunamis in me-inherent power to cause change.My power and ability is from God.My competence is that of God.I am very competent.God’s power and ability is working in me..2Cor4:7-Inside me is the glorious life.Inside me is the ability of God.I have been strengthened hallelujah Ephesians 3:16 • Learn to rise above everything.Its what you know that keeps you ahead of the pack-mindset of the spirit-phronesis.Develop a consciousness hehe could be in your own English but correct revelation-Get to know the Word..Romans 8:11 amen…Your words have the ability to fulfill what they talk about ayayaya this is rhema.I am strengthened from within hallelujah..Psalms 23-deep-I shall not fear any evil.Why?Coz He is with me.His presence is what gives me strength..Create a forcefield of thoughts around you.Thoughts have power.The thoughts have power to bring into existence those things that are not..I have the key and ability in me to change the nation amen. • Acknowledge the good things that God has deposited in you.Acknowledge that you’re the righteousness of God.The knowledge that your righteous is what gives you authority..2Cor5:21 Colossians 1:13-14 Ephesians 4:24…Let the Word of God be the absolute truth and final authority in your life.The Word of God comes to lift you up and to make you.Get to the Word.Know the Word for yourself.Amen. • Pastor concluded the sermon by challenging us especially the youth for around 20-30 minutes.He insisted on the power within us to change anything we want in your lifes.He encouraged us to develop the ideas we have because as long as the anointing is on what you have,it will accomplish the task ahead of you.Any God given idea carries with it the ability to do it,the materials,the capacity,the resources and the finances that are consistent with it.Your gift can take you to a place your career would never have.Pastor encouraged us to think of being job providers as opposed to job seekers.He said that that.He reminded us on how gifted we are and how we are operating by the wisdom of God.In fact he told the doctors,clinicians and nurses present to discover the cure for some of the terminal illnesses killing people today.It was a very great session • Pastor concluded the Night of promotion 2014 by ministering blessings to those present.He also went on to lay hands on sooo many people and even prophesying to their lifes one by one.The wave of the spirit was like electric current haha it was a glorious evening nauuu.…People received salvation,others spoke in new tongues for the first time and others received new tongues as well.The power of God to heal was very much present and through man of God,Pastor Judah Kalinga many received healing.I remember one woman saying how her hand was stiff and she could not use it to do anything.She had some nerve disease neuro……. (it’s a very long name) hehe but the moment Pastor laid hands on her she was healed instantly.She even moved her fingers and her hand for everyone around her to see..Another one had a swelling on her tooth for one full year.She said she had been in so much pain and the doctors didn’t know what the problem was But the moment Pastor laid hands on her the swelling disappeared instantly and she was healed.There were so many testimonies…Some people received so much they could not even walk. The anointing of the spirit was almost tangible.Truly on NOP2014 destinies were changed,others were formed,People were promoted,Lifes were truly given a new meaning…We thank God for that glorious evening and Pastor Judah Kalinga whose surely a man sent from God.Special thanks to Pastor Wycliffe Omwono and his team,all pastors and deacons,Praise and woship led by Joel Gicharu and Kate,ushers led by Jacinta Nyambura , the Mcs Psalmist Joe Nyamai , Heavenly Maggie Methu and everyone else who made NOP2014 a success.For everyone who attended we say thank you and continue walking in the consciousness of God’s blessings in your life!!!!!!!Check out our website or the following pages: Judah Kalinga Pastor Judah Kalinga GLOBAL LIGHT MINISTRIES for more details about Global Light Ministry and events coming up…..Your blessed!!!!! With Dennis Murimi Faith Joy Grace Kabura Anyiti Nanyama Kelvin Njeru James Charis Megas Kenny Anointed Mully Deacon Joe King Cholwe Peter Maina Festus Mbithi Peter Harry Kedogovogah Judy Juliet N Njoka Jeffrey Hongo John Wainaina Pisoi Mapelu Arnold Nderitu Masterpiece Nemwel Ariaga Damaris Wanjiru Winnie Mugasia Super-intelligent Paitah Cynthia Loko Tom Muinde Festus Dunamis Charis Mimshack Kamami Samuel Samuel K. Muhindi Leonard Kingola Maria Dhahabu Matheka Mary Champion Kamau Flod Shinning Blessed Benson Mutuku Arnold Nderitu Lilian Kambua Happy Spirit Jesus Kioko Nzyuko James King Hottenzia Vihenda Bezalel Mfashi Ngabo Christ Caterina Christian Val Iloanaeke Sharon Muoki John Kimathi Mwiti Marie Mimshach Mso Jackson Sitoya Grace Mutongoi Caroline Owade Ngogoyo Onesmus Kate Qwin Shallom Prosperous Joy Zion Omuka Kim Goodboy Nixo Kim Maniche David Wayne Wafula Yogo Herbert Festus Mwongeshi Nelly Mungai Evah Winnie Katanu OluwaMercy Lydiah Ndekere Mfashingabo Flavian Luchevi Musa Mfalme
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:23:33 +0000

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