Ninth day of the novena - October 29 Opening Hymn I Vow to - TopicsExpress


Ninth day of the novena - October 29 Opening Hymn I Vow to You (Daily Prayer of Blessed Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph) O Lord, I vow to you poverty, chastity, and obedience; To devote myself to the salvation of souls; To complete annihilation of self; To perfect conformity to Your holy will; To strive to reach the highest love of God and neighbor. O Lord through this chain of love Let me be forever chained to Your Sacred Heart, And in this life let me be a child of my heavenly Mother. Amen. Amen. Opening Prayer Almighty and merciful God, you imbued Blessed Maria Teresa with outstanding zeal for serving your people through persevering prayer and work; grant that through her intercession, we may work with the same love even amid hardships, and so dedicate ourselves to building up your Church. Through Jesus Christ. From the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke 10:1-2 At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” Litany (please kneel) Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, God, the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, One God, Holy Mary, pray for us. Blessed Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph, Fervent lover of the Sacred Heart, Ardent lover of the Mother of God, Faithful lover of her virtues, pray for us. Lover of charity, Lover of humility, Lover of poverty, Lover of obedience, Lover of chastity, Lover of faithfulness, Lover of prudence, Lover of modesty, Lover of silence, Lover of recollection, Lover of the practice of self-denial, Lover of all the virtues, Devoted daughter of St. Joseph, Mother of the orphaned, Mother of the abandoned, Mother of the poor, Mother of the lonely, Mother of the afflicted, Mother of the dying, Mother of souls who have strayed from the Heart of Christ, Mother of souls cruelly torn from His wounded Heart, That we may be fervent in making reparation to His Sacred Heart, That we may ever uphold His Divinity, That we may increase in reverence to His Heart in the most Blessed Sacrament, That we may teach others to reverence Him by our example of fervent love, That we may ever console Him for the countless outrages He suffers, That we may be constant in our love and sacrifices, That we may console Him by our love for one another, That we may forgive and love our enemies, That we may see God in all, That we may serve God in all, That we may love God in all, That we may have the grace of true contrition for our sins, That we may embrace crosses with courage for the Heart of Christ, That we may bear humiliations gratefully for His sake, That we may be faithful in loving God above all things, That we may be faithful to our Holy Mother the Church, That we may be faithful in carrying out our duties, That we may be faithful in little things, That in all things we may seek the Will of God, That we may ever be faithful to His holy inspirations, That we may recognize all that He does as good, That in all circumstances we may praise and glorify God, That in all circumstances we may trust in the Providence of God, That in all circumstances we may render thanks to God, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. This is the wise virgin, whom the Lord found waiting; at His coming, she went in with Him to the wedding feast. Let us pray: God our Father, You promised Blessed Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph that, if she took upon herself the cross You offered, Your Son would be her everlasting reward. Grant, we beseech You, that we who seek her intercession may experience her motherly care and be strengthened to follow her example, that we may share in her reward in Heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. From the Autobiography of Blessed Mother Maria Teresa Times had changed but the spirit, the love, and zeal to work for the salvation of souls ever remained the same. It is rejuvenated with every generation without weakening. Zeal does not grow weak, love does not grow cold. God is almighty, and as long as the world exists His creative power will never come to an end! The spirit of God moves souls in all the hundreds and thousands of years, and where the spirit of God works and is active and moves the souls, all opposition will break down. The Holy Spirit knows how to overthrow all difficulties and obstacles that are mountain high. He, the Holy Spirit Himself, makes the soul courageous and willing to fight joyfully. (p. 141) Novena Prayer O God our Father, You purified Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph through suffering and afflictions. Her great faith, her firm trust and unselfish love made her, through Your grace, a pure instrument in Your hand with which You could do great things. Encouraged by her example and her trust in Your help we ask, through her intercession … (Pause and silently call to mind your intentions.) May Your holy Will be done Lord. Make our hearts ready to accept what You send. Then we know that we pray in the spirit of Mother Maria Teresa. This we ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. Blessed Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph, pray for us. Closing Hymn To See God in All (From the maxims of Blessed Mother Maria Teresa of St. Joseph) by John Schum Refrain: To see God in all, To serve God in all, To love God in all is joy to me. To see God in all, To serve God in all, To love God in all my life shall be! 1. You should come down from the heights of Carmel to a grief-laden peace-less humanity like an angel, an angel of peace and comfort. 2. For you there is only one way, the way of self-denial. Remember, all that God does is good! Always praise and glorify God. Every one of you must be a victim of love. Remember, all that God does is good!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:49:52 +0000

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