Niranjan means spotless, pure, supreme being, unpainted, devoid of - TopicsExpress


Niranjan means spotless, pure, supreme being, unpainted, devoid of all objectifications, without any bad quality/attributes, active, truthfull, great, a gift of god ... Why do you have a scar under the eye? It was an accident in the youth ... What sort of accident, you lived in the ashram, it should be a safe place... I lived abroad ... According to your texts, when you were still a child, you went to UK to teach yoga, and you were some 10 years old ...were your parents with you? I was to teach them asanas and pranayama ... Do you consider yourself being truthful? In India, lying is considered a norm... Your guru was always with you, but you still claimed the use of the phone was not always available ...he was within you, otherwise he would not let you travel abroad alone and even though he claimed you could have started a life or get married, he had you under full control ...what would he gain with a married yoga super man? There are many yogis who are married ... Why so many secrets about her? She was not what I thought she would be ... You did not understand her ...what problem she has with worshiping your guru ... or shiva lingam later on ...she disagreed with many things and got angry at the illogical commands you were giving her we had already mentioned you could have say goodbye to her or at least explain what you have done and what you cannot do for her ... Why do you want to remain within her? You ignored the order of Higher Forces! Do you understand what it means? You cause her nothing but damage and still want to remain with her ... Do you have any notion of what Higher Forces are? You consider yourself being a big boss, but you do not help her! We will put a stop to this now! You are trying to blur or go to a different subject! We think these things should not be written down ... Dhruv Shaswat is deciding how the things will be done! Are you out of your mind? They use different form of me ... What for? To see what is being said or taught ... You are damaging her using these yidams ...its also painful for her ... Why do you use the word bloody with each meal? You answer the question ... truthfully ... The legacy of our guru ... You would destroy the life of a person for the legacy of your guru ... We thought she was to awaken compassion in people ... She definitely failed in your case! Do you have any notion on what you have been doing? Do you have any idea of what you have been doing with her? She is housing the King ... and this idiot of yours creates a fake one! I thought G-d was within us all ... In you is pretty well hidden though! Slovenian made a very insolent remark regarding her ... I would like to apologize for that ... So you know she is housing the King and you want to exterminate her... What was that strange thing within her you did not understand? She was scared of everything ... You pulled her into the land of many satans there many deities.. mostly mean and malevolent ...Karmapa said to her, ignore them, they usually go away ... usually ... if one has a deity within ... How come they were attacking her with you within? This is what I do not understand ... She disliked the stench around her ... Where does this stench come from? Various spirits ... You have all kind of spirits around you... or at least that form you use for astral travel ... I thought guruji in any form is the same ... Can we continue? I did not know how to make her not to be afraid of me ... Then why were you saying all those things to her? You must have known you were hurting her! The influence of Satsangi is too great on you, even though you do not know ...and when you did not want to meet with her in Rikhia, it was over for her ... The man has to be above the snake to overcome that curse... just as dr. Shankardev can ...and it means compassion and loving kindness ...which you do not believe in ... And truthfulness!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:58:08 +0000

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