No.262 WHEN, CHANCE FAVOURS, THE MIND PREPARED! 1. It seems as - TopicsExpress


No.262 WHEN, CHANCE FAVOURS, THE MIND PREPARED! 1. It seems as if chance meeting trigger- a kind of- Reaction opens up a whole new avenue Of things one would like to do so many Young people grope in the dark... 2. No seeing what they would like to do often- Some of them have absolutely no due of- What it’s they want to do... Most of them are high-performing- 3. Young-people with little or no exposure When they have any “due” of it They park-up and begin to process The option, ‘the due’ and – 4. Then create a career for themselves, it’s called ‘Serendipity’, but, is it really? Actually Come to think of it no, it’s just we become Receptive to what is being a ‘clue’ and- 5. Process the information of the ‘clue’ received “Chance favours, the mind prepared” Tough we can’t define why? But it Seems, so and so, the absence is “vacuum”? No.263 THE WILL AND ACT? 1. Often we tend to actually ‘block’out information! From the world immediate-surrounds! Many of us across the world do this for real We come in with closed minds and leave 2. With nothing substantial, on the otherhand- Those that listen-‘act’ those that don’t Never will, it’s all about being mentally- Flexible and being ready to adopt one’s 3. Mind to what others are saying and then..... Measuring it with what you already know, One can being wise! But, it’s much better to- 4. Be wise with the knowledge of the options- That open to us-now and them with- In our earthly people’s days unlike the- Seers, see nothing, other than themselves! No.264 QUESTIONS AT OFF GUARD? 1. Many people don’t expect to be asked- If, they have a great deal of- Experience-this question Could quite ‘easily’ catch..... 2. A candidate for a selection-wouldn’t- Hesitate to answer this question And shows complete confidence In his or her ability-you may say... 3. Not at all my experience and qualifications Make me do my job only better.... And in (any) my opinion my good design Skills help me work in a cost efficient.. 4. Manner-thus saving the institution A lot of money-finally-I think I will be able to attract better chances! Because of my elite contact my- 5. Qualifications suit the requirements of- Your institution and you will be... Getting a better return on your... Investment, as we feel life a more ‘commerce’?? No. 265 WHEN YOU ARE AT AN APARTHEID-OFFICE...? 1. Apparently, say you are the average South African Male works at an office there..... You have to work only about Hours, at your office.... 2. Assuring that you spend another hour..... Commuting to and from your, Work-place-you would have your Eighteen and hours to eat, sleep, 3. Spend-quality times with your family! Attend your son’s first soccer-match Go pub-hopping and catch an- Evening show at the movies.... 4. Now that is beyond doubt the best labour Situation-you could ever hope- To find yourself in just imagine You walk into work, get some coffee, 5. Chat-up your colleagues sign a few- Papers- grab lunch, get some more coffee, Go through some documents and.... Head home! That is the life eh? 6. But, before you pack your bags and buy that- Plane ticket to Johannesburg! Here is another equally interesting Although infinitely more jarring nugget, 7. Of information internet throws-up South Africa is also the world’s most murderous- Country and tops the list in crimes! Not surprising, considering people there, 8. Have so much time on their hands.... That explains why the traffic is easier- There too, you park your can in the office Garage, and when you come out- 9. Four and hours later-your car is missing!! So, you say, “not again”, shrug your shoulders And take a bus home! The point that this- Whole spiel has effectively managed to- 10. Obscure is South Africans have one rolicking Time at work, you on the other hand, don’t You have to deal with impossible dead times Screaming bosses, demanding clients and- 11. An agglomeration of other immensely- Dislike animals, you don’t hop- Into, work at any office of repute- With a spring in your step..... No.266 HOW PONDERING THE WONDERS? 1. Methuselah- sat on the bank of his pond- And croaked complacently- “how good- It is to be alive to have my very-pond- And only me to use it!”......... 2. He surveyed his domain with a self-satisfied-eye- The entire-expanse of water with his Profession of aquatic plants... He remembered also-how well he had defended! 3. Every precious liquid-drop of his pond from- Invasion? Never had another frog- Stayed long enough to argue with him! His size and crook was enough.... 4. It was his and would remain so, for ever! Was he lonely? Did he never fine for The company of relatives and friends? No one was sorry to admit it, but his 5. Selfishness was so complete he never gave- Loneliness, a thought-but-just as- He no-ded and croaked, he had heard- A tiny voice near him....!! 6. It was little pip squeak, had hopped all the way From his family and friends-some Distance a way to ask if he might Have a swim in the pond, he was.... 7. So small and so wall camouflaged that- Nothing could be seen of him... Behind a screen of plants- That topped the water clear! 8. “Please, may I swim in your lovely pond? It looks so cool and inviting... I thing I would die if I could not” ‘No, you can’t-Methuselah snapped- 9. Heartlessly- looking all about himself for- The intruder, but seeing no one- He added, to empty air for good- Measure, “and you can clear off 10. Just this minute if you know “what’s- Good for you” but, pleased! “There are so many of us in our pond I never get a chance to have a swim” 11. Pip’s squeak’s voice was so plaintive..... That only a heartless, selfish frog would Have been-unresponsive, but all, Methuselah said was “go away”! 12. Poor little pip squeak hopped away- Very sadly-later that day as- Methuselah sat and remembered Just how firm he had been..... 13. He felt the ground quiver and reverberate With a resounding ‘crumb’ as some- Engineer at a nearby road works Set off a large charge of dynamite 14. His joy was complete as he felt rain- Upon his back............ “Ah! Just what I could, I need! I love rain it keeps the pond... Fresh and full not that it makes 15. Any difference to that pitiful patch of water The others in the colony have” But, strangely, as he sat there in the rain Which was increasing-admirably 16. By the minute, the level of his pond – Failed to increase- on the contrary It seemed to be diminishing...... And soon there was only a damp patch there! 17. Meanwhile-some distance away a jubilant...... Colony of frogs become increasingly Ecstatic as their little pond began to fill And expand considerably...... 18. The next day, as Methuselah sat on a lily.... Pad bemoaning the sudden loss Of his pond with a dry, disconsolate Croak, he heard a small voice of pip up 19. He saw a little frog that said-‘please’, uncle Methuselah! It was little pip’s squeak- My mummy sent me to ask you to come- And see our pond, which is solely 20. Fill all of a sudden, and we want you to stay With us-for-ever my mummy says you are Her big brother- who hopped away- One day and never ‘come back....please”, 21. Pip squeak was very persuasive in his- Small-pleading voice..... “Do say-you will come to us?” “Okay, we wait for your call at home” No.267 HARA KIRI 1. ‘Death by overwork’, makes the Japanese- A nation of phoenixes, after many wars! They call themselves ‘karoshi’-proudly-!! The modern way to reach the after world 2. Is ‘Harakiri’- for them- work a holies- May be them- though it derived from- Myth, we like- UK-USA and so in Japan- The past country is far behind for their..... 3. ‘Harakiri’- all over-the world-cutting many- Holidays! Rejuvenation for our- Bodies and souls-we spend many – Weeks- become weak- many willy- 4. Bosses in their production enters being- Stingiest cutting off- holidays! You don’t need, ‘Karoshi’, follow the Lines here filter your calls as well as 5. E-mails ingrain ‘filter’ and ‘priorite’ in your- Heart with ‘to-do-list’ focus on- One task at a time-cronic ‘over works’- Juggle So many tasks at a time- 6. They end-up dropping-all the balls as- Efficiency depends, doing about One thing at a time, have discussion With your boss about all the possible 7. Work-load-at your work-centre-the panacea, Lies in feeling work-load, as pervasive- As feeling is-sometimes, similar, too, ‘Karoshi-out’ can be done on placing- 8. Filter on your call sources-speak now! On your workload with your boss, Or you may have to for ever hold- Your mental peace get organized. 9. And cut down on the water cooler chats! Finally, if all else fails cajoles your Boss into letting you have an intern- They are eager to work willing to learn 10. Cost little and look-up to you, too, Work load has a ripple effect can- Wipe you out and burn you off... Your job- reinvest the time- 11. You waste into improving your-work! See how life improves, at work For the better, for over.... In this money-mad- creed fad-world No.268 BE JUST A PLAINE UNSURE!! 1. We, Indians known for our hospitality But, some exceptions with, a friendly Bunch, our tradition of friendliness... It dates back centuries many!! 2. We did have a few wars-here and there! And history is dotted with the odd Incident of resistance-against- In varders-foreign but by and large 3. We remain still hospitable to outsiders! The characteristic inherent, There, is nothing-like a wide-eyed- Tourist with a map in his white hands.... 4. Along with dollar in his wallet to- Rouse the material in most- Of us religious or other wise- Exceptions are two things- 5. To be exact to the tourist to know- The first, the autorikshaw-driver, The tourist wide-eyed after his tour, Finds out his lighter-bill fold! 6. It holds our sympathy, sure, he faces The same challenge, any recruit New, would face, he is not like A new, bride, unsure of himself! 7. Unsure of our people around him- Unsure of the new environment! And unsure conventions and- Customs and the places, new shortly he is- just-a plain unsure! No.269 WHAT YOUR COLLEAGUES-POSSIBLY WANT YOU FROM? 1. As if that you are it enough, you have people- Studying and watching you everywhere, Waiting for you to trip some where in the Garbled mess of wires, snake a across! 2. The work-floor of your centre of work, And as much unbrilled joy and amusement As you can afford to give to your colleagues- By physically tripping on those wires... 3. You know, what the colleagues really want is- From you to do this metaphorically by- Bungling on an assignment or any project, Your colleagues want this for a number 4. Of reasons, the new boss of course at your office Is almost always aware of this makes- Your problem worse, the first few weeks- Are consequently a turbulent time for you.... 5. It’s what you may call a baptism by fire! A burning-vaprising situation! The only way, you can get around is- By performing what you ask by performing 6. A miracle, not the one birth the one of- Bearing-its burden of responsibility! For every thing wrong! And which- In evitabihty will happen in first- 7. Few weeks of your appointment and then, Adjusting to the new situation... The first few weeks are your acid test As always, it is up to the new-‘guy’... 8. To prove his mettle, the new boss at your Office must show leadership! He must by his actions establish That he is the right man for the job! 9. But, perhaps, the first step is earning the Trust and respect of his subordinates And that can be a tricky thing as- They usually have none like that... No.270 WHEN YOU ARE APPOINTED A NEW BOSS? 1. As a new boss newly appointed, you at- Any post-first keep the wolves, At bay! Few bonds are as strong as, Those that are cemented over cups of- 2. Steaming beverages or glass of foaming- Bear-no tear from, if you are The new boss, try and get to know- Your subordinates on a level of.... 3. Personal, it helps, creates some of that- Trust thing-we are talking about Not aggressive, good communication Save you when you want something done 4. Be clear precise and to the point make sure Your body language is right when- You give out instructions, Oh! And always remember.... 5. To smile, at the end, it works in almost- All cases, except of Malayalees, the Mountain rats, the worst as I am- One of these monkeys, when you have just- fired-some body....
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:08:10 +0000

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