No, corporations are not all about profit. If they were, they - TopicsExpress


No, corporations are not all about profit. If they were, they wouldnt pay white collar 1000xs more than blue collar workers while claiming profits are down. According to economist, the economy is tanking, rolling faster and faster to a hyperinflated state, but yet CEOs receive bonuses on top of already high salaries, and incentives on top of that, all while their companies are in bankruptcy or surviving on government subsidies. How is it good economics to pay a CEO more and more to run a company into the ground. Its simple, the system is set up to make club members rich at the expense of the people they view as slaves. They dont need to pay CEOs as much as they do, they could hire more efficient CEOs for less money, but they would have to hire out of the club. You want to change things for real? Quit buying all the worthless crap they put on the shelves! Buy what you need from Mom and Pop, Flee Markets, Trade Days, or Ebay, or even better direct from private sellers off E-bay. Most Ebay sellers would be happy to sell you crap off E-bay without fees. Make your food from scratch instead of frozen Soylent frozen crap and fast food. Quit buying $200 jeans and go to the thrift store, does it really matter who you are wearing in your coffin? Grow the vegetables and go to the farmers market for what you cant, barter with people to get the things you need. If we all did these things, corporations would lose their power because their fake money would become useless, they would have to pay people more to work for them, they couldnt afford to bribe government officials, current government officials wouldnt want to be politicians because they wouldnt make as much money as working a blue collar job, so you would get better more devoted people in our government. If you think your going to get rich with a better education LOL! Your fooling yourself. You are not part of the club, and you will be taxed and feed out the ass, and you will not make more than $10 an hour. Just how many educated people do you see getting rich and retiring at 30?
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:47:39 +0000

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