No struggle for civil rights or reaching for self-determination - TopicsExpress


No struggle for civil rights or reaching for self-determination achieves its goal easily. There are losses along the way. Take time to mourn and cry. Take time to grieve and weep. But guard the flame of hope within you, it is the cure for your wounds. It will see you through the dark nights. It will give you the resolve to go on. The future still waits for you, and it still burns bright with hope. Its been a very emotional day, on the tail of several very emotional months. Its a strange feeling, almost like grieving. (Although Im going through the stages completely out of kilter; acceptance came first, anger and despair have been jostling for position all day and bargaining and denial never bothered showing up ;) ) I had very high hopes for today, having watched it all unfold from so far away, it just seemed like the time was right, that all the reasons to go for it were the right reasons; that they were good solid reasons. It would seem that fear indeed triumphed over hope today, and money over morality, but in saying that I honestly dont castigate those who voted No. A greedy capitalist government with the mainstream media in its pocket and a vested interest in keeping control was never going to be an easy opponent. They won enough of you over, but we had them on the run! I dont think those of you who voted No are any less Scottish than anyone who voted Yes, but of course I wish the end result had been different. I wish you could have seen what I, and millions of others, could see up ahead. I wish that the step could have been taken because we truly were on the brink of something amazing. But here we are, the deed has been done and looking back and wishing it were different achieves nothing and hinders progress. Things have changed regardless of the result, giving up is not an option now that weve seen how much can be achieved with so little. We need to keep pushing for a better, fairer society. We need to keep the hope alive that better things are possible and above all we need to remember that we can change the way things are done without the need for bloodshed. We proved that over the past few months because, even when faced with the overwhelming bias of the mainstream media, we got 45%! Im worried about what the immediate future will bring now that the millionaires have triumphed and the Westminster elite have been handed back the reins; but I still have hope and Im still proud of my Scotland. And a final word to all those saying we should shut up about it now, shut up yersels! The worst possible outcome would be if we all stopped talking about it, if we all slip back into despondent apathy once more. Keep talking, dont give up and never let those in power forget that you have power of your own. Love you all big much xxxx
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:12:38 +0000

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