Nobody else can serve God for you--- Not your pastor-(His - TopicsExpress


Nobody else can serve God for you--- Not your pastor-(His sermons, altar calls or prayers). Not your spouse- Not fellow believers- Not your favorite Christian authors- Not your far superior Bible translation- Not your TV preacher- Not John Calvin- Not John Wesley- Not your far superior denomination- Not the person people think you are when you go to church- ONLY YOU---The person you really are (whom God sees when nobody else does) can serve God. NOT the fictitious YOU that some in this modern church think they are, by surrounding themselves with religious looking and sounding things. When religiously minded activities or persons replace sanctification and God; they become idols. Idols cant sanctify. Idols can only rob you of what authentic sanctification in holiness originally intended to give you. These religious minded things become mere distractions and counterfeit methods of true, biblical and Spirit-led sanctification. Constantly surrounding yourself with religious looking things and activities, does NOT and will NOT, EVER replace personal cross bearing or sanctification. Just because everybody around you is fooled, doesnt mean God is. When this is your main goal (to be merely regarded as spiritual by your peers) you trade the authenticity of a life lived in Christ, for a form of religion. And in turn, you start believing your form is the real deal JUST because everyone around you is convinced. In other words: You become content with a lie. THAT is NOT what Paul had in mind when He said to be content in all things. When the applause and admiration of others becomes your main focus; you have turned THEM into your God and YOURSELF into an idolater...and you have received your reward. Which is a shabby one at that. A person such as this may think these things are serving God for them; like a dialysis machine filters poison from the blood of a person with kidney disease.----That these religious trappings, people, church attendance and spiritual mumbo jumbo inserted into daily conversation is somehow sanctifying, regenerating and transforming them. But only God can regenerate, transform, renew and filter out the toxicity in your spiritual bloodstream, through the sanctification of His Spirit. Preoccupation with spiritual trappings and religious fakery, filter out EVERYTHING that is authentically of Christ. And ironically, leaves you with all of the inner poison that True Christianity wouldve purged. This type of counterfeit Christianity is all about getting credit for something its not. But at the Judgment Seat, itll get credit for what it was. The Machine of Modern Laodicean Church filters out NOTHING but True authenticity in Christ. If you are using spiritual things as a means to remain in a state of perpetual, self deception---All so you can feel better about your disobedience to live a life fully in Christ....All so you can pay off your pricked conscience because of your refusal to bear your cross...STOP. You may be able to fool some of the people some of the time---and on occasion, for a time; you may even be able to fool ALL of the people ALL of the time...But you can NEVER, not even ONCE, fool God ANY of the time. He may appear to be silent now. But one day, He will break His silence when He infiltrates our reality and invades our personal space---- this space will be invaded the way we REALLY were in this life...when nobody was looking. THATS the person Hes going to invade and THATS the person who is going to be subjected to His all seeing scrutiny. NOT the self-projected parody and fictitious character we so often project on others. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. 2 Corinthians 5:10 Become REAL and AUTHENTIC. The destiny of a Tare is a fiery one. Matthew 13:39-41 Ask Him to Examine you; to test and search your mind and heart. Psalm 26:2-- Dont be afraid of what hell expose. YOU already know whats there anyway...its the reason you have preoccupied yourself with so many spiritual distractions in the first place. Humble yourself in repentance and receive His grace. Let the cry of your heart be Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:15:00 +0000

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