Nobody has the slightest idea how anything material could be - TopicsExpress


Nobody has the slightest idea how anything material could be conscious. Everything from quantum mechanics to idealism (the theory that only the mental is real) and panpsychism (the doctrine that everything has mental properties) to try to solve the problem through the ‘principle of minimum mysteries’ quantum mechanics is a mystery, consciousness is a mystery, so perhaps they are one and the same mystery? But linking two mysteries together does not give us an objective understanding of ether. How is possible for me as an artist to experience the beauty of creating a work of art knowing that only I have exactly that vision from exactly that point of view? This is the problem I also believe that there is a real objective art work and that I have objectively real eyes that take in light and objectively existing brain cells in my head that makes it possible for me to see! How can objective things like brain cells produce subjective experience like the feeling that ‘I am creating a work of art? This has been called ‘the hard problem’ and Victorian thinkers called it the ‘great chasm’ or the ‘fathomless abyss’. It is a modern version of the ancient mind/body problem. In other words how is it possible to reconcile the objective world out there and the subjective experience in here with our sense of free agency with the clear evidence that the agent must be subject to the deterministic laws of physics? The theory explained in the video below has overcome this problem by explaining ‘time’ as a physical process! In this theory time is an emergent property with the future continuously coming into existence light photon by light photon. This process is unfolding within an infinite number of reference frames that are continuously coming in and out of existence. Each reference frame will have its own time line from the past into the future. I believe this is what we are seeing when we see an artist at work we are seeing new light photon oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence relative to the actions of the artist within that reference frame, a continuous flow of cause and effect. We have free will because the wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer. This forms an interactive process continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! This theory explains a greater reality of one creative principle behind the laws of physics forming something like the sounding board of a musical instrument that resonates with the vibrations of ones own thoughts, efforts and actions! This theory takes quantum potential, electrical potential and gravitational potential and combines them into one universal process. That explains why we all have a potential future in our everyday life that is always uncertain. In such a theory consciousness can be explained as electrical activity in the brain that is aware of its own electrical potential! Therefore each individual life form is always in ‘the moment of now’ at the forefront of creation within the centre of its own reference frame. This personalization of each one of us being in the centre of our own reference frame can give us the concept of ‘mind’ with each one of us having our own personal view of the Universe. Therefore the individual is the only true frame of reference being able to look back in time in all direction at the beauty of the stars! The spontaneous absorption and emission of light forms a physical and universal process for ‘the stream of consciousness’ that unbroken ever changing flow of ideas, perceptions, feelings and emotions that make up our lives. In such a theory consciousness is the most advanced part of a universal process within at Universe that is a continuum. Only ‘the moment of now’ exists with the future only existing as a probability function with a past that has gone forever as a process of continuous energy exchange forming the ever changing world of our everyday life a process I like to call ‘continuous creation’. https://youtube/watch?v=rcSykqN7-FM
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:26:50 +0000

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