Not a single Croatian bishop attended the International - TopicsExpress


Not a single Croatian bishop attended the International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust in Croatia Croatia is probably a single state alloved to turn the International Day of Remembrance into a Mockery day. - ” By April 1941. there weren’t any mass executions of the people because of their different religion or origin. Establishment of the NDH started with mass murder , first of Serbs , and then the Jews. ” – Croatian PM Milanovic tried to repair the damage . “Against such a state , the so-called Independent State of Croatia thousands, and even more , Croats rose up.” Unlike Milanovic who said that mass crimes in Europe started in Jasenovac first, parliamentary speaker Josip Leko argued that the crimes began from the first days of the Hitler dictatorship: “In all of the Croatian past one of those terrifying pages , the darkest and most inhuman is the ustasha Jasenovac death camp , modeled as notorious Nazi death camps.” ” The genocide started immediately , without any preparation and organization (as opposed to the Holocaust , which was carefully prepared and accomplished ) . As the Ustashas established their rule in Zagreb ( mid-April ’41 ) the massacres began; they continued throughout weeks and years . Massacres were not silence nor concealed (as was the case in the German concentration camps ), but well -known , visible, public: on the streets , in the Orthodox Church … It was not about the Nazis against the Jews, but the fanatical fascists Catholic religion against other Christians – the Orthodox Serbs ( ie independent of Rome, like the Serbian patriarchate in Belgrade and his orthodox bishops are ) . In Croatia, the genocide of the Jews , who were only ninety thousands , was only an addition comparing it with whast happened to the Serbs, and it was launched by the Nazis . Muslims were left alone. Last distinction : the murders were executed with such ferocity ( against Serbian women , children , mutilating , removing eyes , tearing womb … ) so it stands out on the cruelty of World War II and in the history of the last century . In comparisons with these gas chambers are soft killing devices . - Marco Aurellio Rivelli, ’The Genocide Bishop’ But the Croatian press expressses different sentiments towards the monstrous genocidal fascistic state of Croatia. Let’s review, for example, the Jutarnji list daily: QUOTE: The Catholic Church is not responsible for the suffering of Jews and Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia , as it was church regularly and brutally stressed the communist system . Indeed , it is indisputable that Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac repeatedly condemned Ustasha pogrom and that he saved the Jews and Serbs. —- END QUOTE The Genocide Archbishop, written by Marco Aurellio Rivelli, describes the Papist crimes and genocide Croatian saint Stepinac commited on Serbs, Jews and Roma/ Gypsies Here’s an excerpt from the magazine of the Israeli Community of Athens, “ALEF”, Edition No. 20, March-April 2008: In the year 2000, the Greek translation of the book byMarco Aurelio Rivelli, “The Genocide Archbishop” was published by Proskinio Publications, under the supervision of Nikos Kleitsikas, who had asked from the (then Metropolitan of Thebes) Hieronymos to prologue the book. The book, which refers to the «genocide of hundreds of thousands Serbs and tens of thousands Jews and Gypsies in Croatia during the 2nd World War by the Nazis, the Croatian Ustasi and the catholic church…has the title “the Archbishop of Genocide”, since its central character is the (then) catholic archbishop of Zagreb Alojzije (Aloysius) Stepinac, who, together with sections of the Croatian catholic clergy was the protagonist in the slaughters, playing a leading role in the planning and their realization…was convicted as a war criminal, however, the Vatican never accepted this conviction and instead, presented Stepinac as a supposed “victim of Communism”…in the Autumn of 1998 the Catholic Church proclaimed Stepinac a saint.» (Newspaper Rizospastis, 30.06.2000) In the prologue of the same book the Archbishop of Athens Hieronymos writes: «The tragedy is woven around an objective – the independence of the State of Croatia – an objective that unfortunately justifies every violent method and practice. From the six and a half million citizens of Croatia, more than two million were Orthodox Serbs…All of these people, in the name of the creation of a new Croatia – a homeland of a people “pure” in body and in soul, without any racial mixes, and without any elements that did not conform to their own roman-catholic faith – had to be exterminated.» «This ethnic-religious cleansing began with external discriminations. Serb citizens were obliged to wear an armband of blue color, with the letter “O” (for Orthodox) printed on it. The Jews had to wear the Star of David – at first on their sleeves and later on their backs. On the mass transport media, there were signs that warned: “Boarding is prohibited to Serbs, Jews, gypsies and dogs”. » After proceeding to write about the horror of the mass slaughters – with the guilty participation of the Catholic Church in them - he condemns the “beatification” of Stepinac and in closing, proposes that we be led: «…to the true spirit of the teaching of Jesus Christ: our respect for the other person, without any conflicts, regardless of their descent and their religious convictions, within the framework of a faith that does not add fuel to the fire, but heals the wounds». Marco Aurelio Rivelli ————- END QUOTE So the “alleged humanism” and the salvation of Serbs and Jews in Independent state of Croatia is the sweetest and favourite widespread fairytale from the Croatian side. The greater one could be only the one History chanel broadcasted : about Croatian kings. (!?!?) but that problem appears when people confuse PR for facts. As for Stepinac see the above mentioned book of Aurelli. QUOTE: - There is, therefore , absolutely no reason for (our) Church to feel uncomfortable when it comes to marking the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust , as there is no reason for the Church to feel uncomfortable for the Ustasha crimes. “ On the other side, the International Commission for the truth about Jasenovac ( MKIJ ) , in cooperation with the Association of Jasenovac – Donja Gradina of Republica Srpska,in their two volume book dedicated to uncovering the truth about what happened in Jasenovac system of Ustasha camps and extermination of Serbs , Jews, and Roma in the NDH during World War II , provides different data: The Commission member Dr Srboljub Zivanovic, Professor at University College London , the world’s scientific authority in the field of anatomy , anthropology and paleopathology, says: - In our last meeting in New York we investigated 371 names of the Croatian Catholic priests who slaughtered , murderd , tortured , raped mainly Serbs but other nations as well, and did all sorts of atrocities . Notable American scientist Michael Birnbaum ,the Commission for genocide in Rwanda member, said that Serbia and the former Yugoslavia didn’t do a thing in order to bring the criminals to justice; His commision aknowledge the names of 1,400 Croatian Catholic priests, undoubted murderers. - So the International Commission for the truth about Jasenovac (MKIJ) found out that the 1,371 Croatian Catholic priest commited terrible , so unbelievable crimes in Independent State of Croatia. If we know that there were about 2,000 priests in Croatia in that period, it means that of three Croatian priests there were two butchers . And almost all of them were members of the Franciscan order .”
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:26:07 +0000

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