Not easy to live by but oh so true! TY Nancy Anne Nancy - TopicsExpress


Not easy to live by but oh so true! TY Nancy Anne Nancy Anne Yesterday at 1:56am · PLEASANT WORDS Scripture: Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Solomon, a man of great wisdom, wrote this proverb concerning the words of our mouth. He said that words spoken to us not only affect our soul, which is our mind, will, and emotions, but also affect our health. Pleasant words feed and nourish us, but words of strife and bitterness break our spirit and work havoc in our body. Proverbs 17:22 says, A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones. We are healthier when we are happy, and we are happier when we hear encouraging words. Words are important and they do affect us, for Solomon said that pleasant words are health to our bones. Sweet words strengthen us and help us to stand emotionally like our healthy bones support us physically. If pleasant words bring good health, we can assume that unpleasant words could possibly bring poor health. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that There is life and death in the power of the tongue ... and we will eat the fruit of it. Words that come to us either feed us the fruit of life or the fruit of death. You may start your day feeling emotionally and physically great, but after an encounter with an irate individual you may find yourself mentally and emotionally stressed. Continual stress of this type will cause physical distress. Likewise, the words that we speak can minister emotional well being and lead to health in the lives of others, or they can render stress and death. We need to think about our words. Before speaking, ask yourself if your words are pleasant and sweet. Are they ministering health and life? David asked God to help him in this area. He said in Psalms 19:14, Let the words of my mouth ... be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer. James said that we could not bless and praise God while we are speaking curses to men. He asked the question in James 3:11, Does a fountain send forth from the same opening fresh water and bitter? Let us take his words to heart and strive to keep our fountains clean and our words pleasant and sweet so that they will minister health and life to others.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:24:46 +0000

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