Not many people can tell me much I don’t know about concerning - TopicsExpress


Not many people can tell me much I don’t know about concerning the prevailing spirit in the post 1994 ANC leadership structure. Some people can plainly and accurately see the despicable rot, but by virtue of them having always taken an opposition stance against the subject, fail to make an impactful judgment. One does not have to turn into a devil so to know the heart thereof. One simply has to give the devil or opponent an honestly open ear, free from prejudice and preconception. The people who have been with the ANC are the ones whose views will receive weight in contest, as opposed to the nevertheless similar ones expressed by one who is a known opponent of the subject. Nelson Mandela has been quoted on forums, columns and articles alike, saying ‘If the ANC does to you what the Apartheid government did to you, then you must do to the ANC what you did to the apartheid government’. He was speaking at a National Conference in December of 1994, the same year the ANC came into power. Rainbow Illusion It has become excruciatingly clear that everything we believed about our Democracy and Freedom was an illusion, something apparent but rather intangible like a rainbow perhaps. Some ANC heavyweights have only recently come out in the open in confessions concerning the ‘selling out’ that was the transformation into Democracy. South Africa was already in the hands of a repulsive international monetary network which involved some prominent Europeans when Mandela was released from prison in 1990. The Nationalist government was never independent and nationalist as such, as public opinion would have us believe. Their enemies were also their friends, as confusing as this may sound. The history of so-called ‘foreign investment’ in South Africa and the current major players in our stock exchange will without a doubt shed a bright light in this matter. We have heard that Mandela was singled out when negotiations took place, and the fellows of the BroederBond addressed him rather than the ANC and the people of South Africa, whom they had wronged significantly. In their negotiations, they were not necessarily conceding wrong, but they were equally making excuses and threats. The European Brotherhood would yield political power but not economic power, which made all the difference. Economic Freedom This very peculiar development is the one which germinated the rise of a political party in the semblance of Economic Freedom Fighters, twenty years after the victorious transformation into democracy. It has always been our understanding that one who fights for freedom fights for all arenas where oppression applies, including gender rights, religious rights, economic rights, etc. But as we all realized, the ANC was fighting for political freedom exclusively, which they have since got and have reason to celebrate therefore. The fact that the ruling white minority was not repentant for its perpetual exploitation and abuse of African culture, resources and labour was perplexing to say the least. After all the atrocities and all the inequalities, the white minority still had tricks up their sleeves, and were planning bigger things so to speak. At this point, the ANC and Mandela were supposed to consult the people for advice and discussion, but they were too bright for all of us apparently. It’s only now after adverse damage that the thinking masses are beginning to interrogate for the contents of the legendary CODESA congress, which was the symbolic negotiating table for our illusive freedom. It is here that our struggle was flushed down the drain by the ANC elite and the European Elders. Key negotiators were Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Cyril Ramaphosa, Jacob Zuma and a few others. Fraudulent Negotiations For a fraudulent transaction of this nature to take place requires two sides which are equally corrupt. The whites were not willing to surrender power and face the full might of justice, and the corrupt ANC leaders were eager for power and big government contracts. In the end the deal benefited everyone concerned, in betrayal of all the people of South Africa, including whites. If both sides were sincere, then we would have proceeded to build a true Rainbow nation, as utopian as this may sound. If the ANC was sincere but the Nats were not, then the ANC would have left the table and pursued its armed struggle for ultimate liberation of the people. They would have consulted with the people to let them know the stance of the matter. Some people have at this point suggested the ANC had acted responsibly by accepting preposterous conditions from people who were not even supposed to be setting conditions in the first place. The ANC did not save any life by compromising human ideals for political power. They have actually killed many and also ruthlessly harmed our culture and sense of purpose in the process. Friend Or Foe? ANC apologists and self-appointed spin doctors have suggested the ANC simply disguised itself as the enemy, so to defeat the enemy at the convenient time. I think this appalling misconception should be hurled outside the window of reason once and for all. One can surely don the uniform of his foe so to gain inner knowledge for the purposes of offense, but if the enemy decides to test your allegiance by asking you to kill your family, you simply blow your cover altogether. The ANC has thus in the past 20 years sacrificed many people to protect the interests of some despotic white dynasties and Jewish bankers. In this process they have become the enemy of the people. The ANC has not been honest but has moved from one lie to another, and has become so entangled in its web of lies that adopting unconstitutional and extrajudicial means has become the norm to sustain what should have never stood erect in the first place. They remain tied to the same European governments and institutions which have exploited SA for centuries without shame. Corruption in the ANC does not begin in 1994, but possibly goes back to the very formation of this self-aggrandizing institution. More clarity is seriously needed concerning the dealings of its prominent members during the exile years, including links with the Russians, Brits, French and Americans. A bright searchlight should be focused on the ANC’s funders and its records in Angola, Zambia, and Tanzania in particular. It does not take a genius to see the ANC, like many ruling political parties on the continent, is simply a pawn of white capital and Globalism. Twenty years down the line, economic power is still in the hands of the same group of salivating wolves in white skins, and the ANC is now killing activists and sacrificing the poor in service of these Very Important People. We are now therefore expected to sit quietly in our cold little corners, while white bankers do as they please with our economy and resources, while our black leaders gobble up the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table like greedy puppies. Once the ANC cadres get full from their lapping, they have the audacity to point arrogant fat fingers at us, telling us we are ungrateful, or calling us ‘peace time heroes’. The Struggle Continues That the ANC is doing to us what the apartheid government did to us and even worse is very apparent. Some of the ANC’s brutality even makes the former apartheid lords cringe I should think. The Apartheid government also built RDP houses and believe it or not, they still stand to this day, where they were not demolished. The apartheid government gave us Bantu Education; ANC now gives us Outcome Based Education, whatever that means. What is the difference between the June 16 massacre and the Marikana massacre, I ask? We don’t need the confirmations of some commission to know the truth of the matter frankly. So how long do we wait, and how many more have to suffer, before we do to the ANC what we did to the apartheid government? Are black people now supposed to shoot each other down over a division that benefits white investors and international bankers? We must not. I could go on to list point by point, all the facts which make the ANC government highly questionable, but that is not the purpose of this article. This is neither a presentation nor a proposal. I’m simply sharing what I know and see in the nearest horizon. What difference is there between the murderous Apartheid government labeling freedom fighters ‘terrorists’ and the corrupt ANC labeling those who challenge its corruption ‘anarchists’? The ANC has become a law unto itself, and a fiercely barking dog outside the white man’s stolen property. There is no constitutional way of dealing with criminals who control the constitution. We have a serious continuous problem in our beloved country and we need to tackle it head on before it causes ultimate moral degeneration and decay. We therefore need to need to identify, target and decisively deal with the sources of this problem in our midst, by all means necessary. ©
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:58:04 +0000

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