Not some of them, but mostly Because atheism description of any - TopicsExpress


Not some of them, but mostly Because atheism description of any ideological position refuses to ratify the existence maker (creator according to religious understanding) and conscious of the presence or "objects" absolute power (Goddess), and atheism in the broad sense is not to believe the presence of so Objects (Goddess) outside of the human imagination. He Gnostic Aptsmologi the position to claim the existence of "God" or "gods." Because the condition of science (according to Plato) is said to be well known case of a logical true, installed, and can believe it, since it was alleged the existence of God, according to the atheist, is not installed (a false claim), ratification of the existence of God is not a note but it is a pattern of "faith" Profile non-evidence-based and provided no evidence can be rejected without evidence. From this, the exchange atheism is the default position in the sense that it is not allegations but it is an answer to the claim rejected. Causes of atheism Atheism philosophical reasons stemming from the logical analysis and scientific conclusion, where many atheists refers to the points below: The absence of any evidence or proof of the existence of God and believe that the existence of God Mtcef qualities of perfection since time immemorial is more difficult and less likely than the emergence of the universe and of life because they do not qualities of perfection, in the sense that assuming the existence of God according to the opinion of atheists replaces the dilemma of the existence of the universe dilemma biggest is how the presence of full of God since time immemorial, and therefore do not need the complexity has arisen from a simple case, an explanation of the diversity and complexity of living organisms as Chrha theory of evolution by natural selection ......
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 21:14:07 +0000

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