Not to dwell on an easy target, but Whole Foods again: the place - TopicsExpress


Not to dwell on an easy target, but Whole Foods again: the place is legitimately a eerie forecast of the dystopian class warfare coming to an everywhere near you in the very near future; the absolute very best spot to watch (and learn) human behaviour adapting to the rapid disappearance of the middle class and natural resources. To see people (myself included) fiddle on small-batch artisanal fiddles the very song your own sweet mother hummed to you when you was a baby, while Rome burns, frantically consuming more and more stuff in spite of all the euphemistic signs that warn of the hazards of monoculture and overconsumption. This sort of Cartesian split is particularly evident in the butcher section where customers can choose from 5 levels of guilt-abatement vis-a-vis was the chickens life only okay or was it super, and it will be a dollar extra for each powerup! on the simulacrum of humanity this affords the customer. And even if you could make it out of there and not just feel super depressed about what is going to transpire in the next ten years of human history, behold the parking lot with cars idling, and think of the vague things youve heard about peak oil, and all of the sudden the $15 organic toothpaste you almost bought up there really seems extra ridiculous, cause theresan uncountable amount of parking lots in the world full of idling cars that cost more than many people will make in their lifetime, and my cars there too in one of those lots, and were every last hummer and chevette driving one of us gonna run out of oil soon the illusion of democracy in this nation will shatter and it wont matter about the organic toothpaste or the happy chicken because there will be only the very rich and the very poor, and we will all of us, rich and poor feel sad about it, but probably no one will stop thinking that the way to feel less sad about it is to go out and buy more stuff that is cleverly but only just tangentially, related to what it is they felt sad about in the first place. The best we can hope for is that when all the have-nots have nothing but wanting and no means to get the want, that something will snap and well stop pinning so much of our hope to changing what we consume as a way to deal with rampant overconsumption. And meanwhile I get home from Whole Foods, where they sell the fancy crackers I like so I keep going back like a total zombie ding dong, and Im thinking both I wonder if Im old enough that Ill die before shit gets real bad but also I wonder if Im hydrating enough? Or too much? I wonder if using Apple Cider Vinegar really is a natural way to keep your skin looking good. and so is everyone else and the sound of us all thinking all that stuff is drowning everything else out, doods. Lets get the heck out of the city (once were finished school) and back to Dodge.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:46:42 +0000

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