Not to miss Anche questanno torniamo a proporre ALIEN MELODY , - TopicsExpress


Not to miss Anche questanno torniamo a proporre ALIEN MELODY , evento che si celebra, ormai da 3 anni, durante la stagione invernale a Milano. Per questa edizione CReATiVeJuNgLe collaborera con i ragazzi della Looney Moon per rendere levento ancora più speciale. Dopo gli scorsi successi, con ospiti PSYKOVSKY e TERRANOISE, presenteremo questa nuova edizione con 2 illustri ospiti, 2 TRaNCe Legend di fama mondiale che hanno e stanno scrivendo la storia della PsY TRaNCe! Siamo quindi lieti di portarvi a Milano AJJA & COSMOSIS! Gli artisti presenteranno i loro singoli live suonando entrambi per unora e mezza ed unora di concerto dal vivo durante il quale si esibiranno insieme sul palco ,per la prima volta in Italia, incantandoci con le melodie delle loro chitarre! Ajja & Cosmosis hanno duettato sui palcoscenici di famosi Festival come il Summer Never Ends in Svizzera, Ozora in Ungheria, Shiva Valley in India ed Universo Parallelo che si terrà a fine anno in Brasile...sono stati inoltre ospiti, duettando con le loro chitarre nel Novembre 2011 al the H.R. Giger museum, una casa-museo realizzata allinterno del medioevale castello di St. Germain, nel borgo di Gruyères (Svizzera) ed ufficialmente aperta il 20 giugno del 1998. Il museo prende nome dal famoso Hans Ruedi Giger, nome darte di Hans Rudolf Giger (Coira, 5 febbraio 1940), un pittore, scultore, designer, dispirazione surrealista e simbolica, ed artista nel campo degli effetti speciali cinematografici, svizzero. Dopo molti anni di lavoro nel campo del design e dellillustrazione grafica, per loriginalità ed il forte impatto emotivo dei suoi lavori ha creato, in collaborazione con Carlo Rambaldi, la rappresentazione per il grande schermo della creatura protagonista di Alien, nellomonimo film, che gli è successivamente valsa lOscar per i migliori effetti speciali nel 1980. Lestetica di Giger, in particolare i quadri e le illustrazioni realizzati tra gli anni 70 e gli anni 80, hanno avuto uninfluenza notevole su artisti di varie discipline, aldilà di quelli direttamente coinvolti in collaborazioni dirette con il pittore svizzero. Dai gruppi rock ai tatuatori, dai narratori di fantascienza ai decoratori di autoveicoli, le visioni aliene e oniriche di Giger hanno offerto spunti tematici e iconografici per la realizzazione delle opere più disparate. I suoi riferimenti estetici partono dal surrealismo comunemente inteso, di cui si considera un capofila Salvador Dalí, fino ad arrivare al realismo fantastico della Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus, dove alcune opere grafiche di Ernst Fuchs dei primi anni cinquanta, e particolarmente lavori ad inchiostro a tema mistico od infernale, con la ricerca di particolari simmetrie, sembrano anticipare i successivi lavori di Giger. In realtà le ispirazioni partono probabilmente da molto lontano e si può immaginare una linea ideale che, partendo da William Blake, o addirittura dai primi fiamminghi più mistici e surreali come Hieronymus Bosch, arriva fino ai preraffaelliti ed allarte contemporanea generalmente conosciuta come visionaria. In tutti questi artisti si mescolano un tentativo di realismo esasperato a volte iperrealista spesso di soggetti irreali od onirici, allaffrontare temi trascendenti il mondo fisico, mistici spirituali o psichedelici. Supported by OCTOPUS Productions https://facebook/octopusproductions Ufficio stampa / Press office: octopus@hvrecords __________________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL GUESTs: *** AJJA*** (Peak Records) 1h.30 m. Live act ajja.leufamilyiron/ chillsomerecords/ peakrec/ ***COSMOSIS*** (Holophonic Rec) 1h.30 m. Live act soundcloud/cosmosis-official *** AJJA & COSMOSIS*** 1 Hour LIVE CONCERT vimeo/53456601 vimeo/32753291 youtube/watch?v=wY220acKsjM DJs : ✔ PHOBOS (Looney Moon Rec.) https://soundcloud/phobos_looney https://facebook/phobos.LMrec ✔ PIERO (Nataraja Temple) https://soundcloud/piero-nataraja-temple https://facebook/djpieronatarajatemple ✔ DODO3 (Quarion Tribe) https://soundcloud/dodo3-quarion-tribe ✔ ORION (Quarion Tribe) https://soundcloud/orion-23/ https://facebook/orion.trance ✔ XEROMORPH (CReATiVeJuNgLe Rec.) https://facebook/eros.xeromorph ✔ WILDCHILD (CReATiVeJuNgLe Rec.) https://facebook/alex.wildchild.9 ✔Sound Styles: PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE __________________________________________________ ✔ DECO: LOONEY MOON DECO TEAM looneymoondeco.drupalgardens/ https://facebook/LOONEYMOONDECO __________________________________________________ ✔ AUDIO: 35 Kw NEXO LINE ARRAY nexo-sa/en/ __________________________________________________ ✔ INGRESSO: Alla porta: 20 € fino le 24.30 25 € dopo le 24.30 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ✔ NEW BIG LOCATION in Milan City: La location si trova allinterno di un grande complesso industriale di 30000 mq composto da 8 sale, levento si svolgera nella sala concerti principale, la piu grande, in grado di contenere 2500 persone circa. Levento sara facilmente raggiungibile con qualsiasi mezzo pubblico, dista 700 mt dalla stazione dei treni 300 mt dalla linea metropolitana 100 mt dalla fernata autobus Informazioni + dettagliate a breve °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ✔PSY LOTTERY @ ALIEN MELODY: E POSSIBILE PARTECIPARE ALLA PSY LOTTERIAAIUTANDOCI A PROMUOVERE LEVENTO! Giocando potrai essere uno dei vincitori dei 5 INGRESSI OMAGGIO messi in palio Partecipare allestrazione e molto semplice: *Invitando i vostri amici 1. Clicca su + SELEZIONA GLI INVITATI in alto a sinistra e seleziona chi tra i tuoi amici pensi possa essere interessato allevento. 2. Clicca su CONDIVIDI in alto sotto il titolo in grassetto e premi condividi per inoltrare sulla tua bacheca levento * condividendo levento o limmagine dell evento dal nostro profilo entro le ore 12.00 del 2 Novembre °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° BIOGRAPHIES *** AJJA*** (Peak Records) AJJA is an eclectic and multi-talented Swiss artist who channels his creativity through parallel careers as musician/producer/dj, Peak Records label manager, graphic artist and tattoo artist. Born in London in 1975, AJJA grew up roaming the planet with his world-renowned family of tattoo-artists and travellers. Wandering across the world and bathed in various artistic scenes, he was provided with a constant creative drive. He started playing guitar when he was nine years old, and having been reared in a rock’n’roll and funk atmosphere, he first concentrated on these musical styles. By his mid-teens, he had composed, produced and recorded over one hundred original songs. He performed with a number of live bands in different countries and continued to create music and release rock albums for another decade. During this time, he also picked up the family trade and started tattooing alongside his parents and older brother Filip Leu. At the end of the nineties, his interest gradually shifted towards electronic music, causing him to explore new digital horizons. In 2002, AJJA and musician friends Master Margherita, Dymons and Flooting Grooves created The Peaking Goddess Collective, a chill & psytrance band that fuses live instruments and digital technology. After performing in many parties and festivals and releasing tracks on many compilations, their debut album “Organika” was released on Peak Records in August 2007. In the summer of 2003, AJJA, in collaboration with his partner, visual artist Tanina Munchkina and musicians Dj Gaspard and Master Margherita, founded the psychedelic trance label Peak Records. In five years, the label has gained respect and a solid reputation in the psytrance scene, releasing many quality night-time and chill albums and compilations. The same year saw the birth of Yab Yum, the fully digital project shared by AJJA and Dj Gaspard. They have since released numerous tracks on world-renowned labels, and their debut album “Nocturnal Emissions”, released on Peak Records in December 2006, has been widely praised in the international psytrance scene. They have performed with growing success worldwide from Japan to South America. After Dj Gaspard, left Yab Yum in June 2008, Ajja decided to continue the project by himself. In 2005, AJJA started a solo project under his own name. This digital live-act is primarily 144bpm-based, focusing on groovy, non-cheesy, psychedelic trance that can be played in the morning or in the middle of the night. AJJA released his first solo night-time track in 2007, followed later the same year by his debut album “PSYCHOGENICA”, on the Irish label Syncronize Records. In 2008, AJJA had more releases on Peak Records, the Boom 2006 dvd, Syncronize, Northern Psylights, Gaian Mind, Phar Psyde, Liquid, Pixan with more new tracks to come. His second album is in the works and is planned for release on Peak Records in late 2009. In the past three years, AJJA has performed in numerous parties and festivals including Boom, Universo Paralello, Full Moon, Antaris, Glade, Soulclipse, Life, Gaian Mind, Wickerman, World People, Forgotten Ritual and Waveform Project. His much appreciated live sets have already rocked & grooved dancefloors in Japan, The United States, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Italy, England, Ireland, Scotland, Ukraine and Turkey. Not satisfied with so much activity, Ajja also composes music for theater plays, designs Peak Records covers with his partner Tanina Munchkina, designs web applications and works as a tattoo artist in his family’s shop in Lausanne, Switzerland. An energetic, enthusiastic and gifted being, AJJA is an artist not to be missed! ***COSMOSIS*** (Holophonic Rec) Bill Halsey, the producer behind Cosmosis (andsideproject Mumbo-Jumbo) is a former professional session guitarist from London. During this part of his musical career he played with countless bands playing Rock, Funk, Jazz, Blues, Pop and Hip-Hip, touring Europe and Australasia. Bill says : Being a session muso was a game of extremes; some of the bands that I played with contained some of the most incredibly talented musicians that I ever had the pleasure to blag my way onto a stage with. On the other hand many of the bands were way beyond bad and I ended up having to commit some of the most heinious musical crimes known to man on a very regular basis - in the name of making a living... Bill honed his writing and recording skills by composing and and recording pop tracks for over ten years before finally becoming involved with creating pure electronic music. Now as much in demand to compose music for picture as he is for live appearances to play his particular brand of tongue-in-cheek, full power Psy-Trance music on dancefloors quite literally all over the globe. During the last 12 years of touring Bill has played Cosmosis music to ecstatic crowds in such diverse places as: Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Israel, India, Bali, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, United States, Egypt, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, England, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Serbia, Scotland, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Greece, South Africa, Russia, France, Turkey, Cyprus, Mexico and Portugal and plays regularly in many of these countries He is currently involved in cooking up the new Cosmosis album, Watch this space ... Bill now divides his studio time between making full power dance music in his studio, lazing about in a hammock with his acoustic guitar in the back garden and touring the Cosmosis show on dancefloors and festivals worldwide. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Good ViBeS a ToDos CReATiVeJuNgLe & LoOneY MoOn
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 10:06:28 +0000

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