Notes from Norman The Obedience of Faith By Norman P. Grubb Now, - TopicsExpress


Notes from Norman The Obedience of Faith By Norman P. Grubb Now, when I move on, I’ve got to say, “No! I’m a form of the vine. Christ is the vine. This is what I am. I’m a branch form, but I’m part of the vine and this is the vine operating here. And then you just come back as the agency. You become the minor instead of the major. So, I’m saying, you don’t get over that hump until this freed life, except by, as a second stage, the same replacement of negative believing by positive believing. Your old negative believing was, “I’m a sinner.” Now I’ve stopped that. I believe what Jesus Christ is. And secondly, don’t say, “Oh, I’m such a poor self, I’m just a self and I get my weaknesses.” Drop that stuff! Watch yourself and say what He says. “You’re crucified with me.” “You’re dead to being controlled by those things.” Say what He says. And then, “You’re crucified with me and now your real you isn’t you at all. You’re crucified with me. I live, no I don’t live, Christ lives in me. The real person has become Christ in me.” After you’ve done that you’ll find that your self fits back. That’s when you begin to see self as an asset. Because now you begin to see that the point of your life is the vine, not the branch. The branch is just a form of the vine. And you become vine-minded and vine-centered and head-minded. The head’s Christ. The head’s through the body. So I become minor that way. And the branch part of you is an asset. It begins to dawn on you that you’re God’s precious person. You always were! You were made perfectly! It’s only the devil messed us up a bit en route. The devil didn’t make us, he only stole us. And Jesus Christ led captivity captive and stole us back, that’s all. The devil didn’t make us. We’re beautiful. We’re made in God’s image. Beautiful! So we begin to appreciate yourself. There isn’t one thing about me that isn’t magnificent. Magnificent! Now you don’t see that while you’re a separate person and you’re under conviction and condemnation. You think, “Well, I’m still rotten.” Unless you’ve moved over the hump and say “I’m not I but Christ in me” and you say it, and in God’s own time it’s confirmed to you, then you come back to yourself. “Well, that’s it! I’m Christ’s person if he’s taken me on.” I always say He made a poor choice, taking me, that’s obvious, very poor taste, but that’s Him. If He has poor choice, that’s His business. But, He’s taken me on. OK. I’m His asset now. I’m beautiful to Him. My emotions, my reasons, all are beautiful. I may be tempted out, but that’s not the point. I’m not living by my temper or my misuse of my desires. What do you mean by that? I’m God’s person and my body is God’s body, a member of Christ. And you begin to be an asset. And then you’re free. And then you act as His asset. And you dare to say, “Well, if He can trust Himself to me, I’ll go and be myself and it’s His fault if I go and make a mess.” If you make a mistake, tell him it’s His fault. It’s His mistake, not yours. You’re free. That’s the second one. But I don’t believe you get over without the hump. You can step over by saying Christ lives in you.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:53:59 +0000

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