Notes on Recent Events By Alembic Retort - Scribe to the - TopicsExpress


Notes on Recent Events By Alembic Retort - Scribe to the Wardens of Terris With what at first seemed to be minor, unrelated issues evidently becoming a sign of something larger, I have decided to compile this summary of goings-on with regard to the dream-sorceress Marguritte and her influence on the activities of Wardens. Marguritte first came to the attention of Wardens who were exploring a region known as ATOSIA - a segment of land that was skipping through time appearing every 20-50 years. Bands of miscreants followed this appearance and supplied the economy of ATOSIA with one of the primary sources of its economy - Slaves. Thanks to the intervention of a party of Wardens, Atosia returned to the regular time flow and supporting a rebellion of former slaves known as ‘The Brotherhood overthrew the former ruler - ATOS. (A Note on Atos - Marguritte claims to have rules Atosia before her lover Atos overthrew her. She withdrew to the dreamlands and plagued him with nightmares. He overcame this by trapping himself on the edge of death - a dreamless state. His body has been placed in secure storage while a petition to study it is being considered by the Council. Marguritte is currently counted as an tentative ally of the Wardens, as several supporting sources of evidence have been found to her story. While her eventual goals are unknown, the opportunity to potentially re-explore magics lost for thousands of years can not be overlooked ) Marguritte has since requested the assistance of Wardens in recovering several magical Staves, which are powerful mana sources and magic enhancers. 1) Marguritte sent Wardens to a dream demi-realm to recover a Stave that belonged to her that was stolen by a former servant girl who was in love with Atos. The unexpected interaction of the Stave with dream magic created the realm and resulted in the servant reliving nightmares for an unknown period of time, possibly hundreds of years. The Wardens ended her nightmare, recovered the Stave from the servants corpse and returned it to Margurittte. 2) Under the direction of Marguritte a group of Wardens attempted to track down a Stave. The party was lost with only a single survivor who claims he does not remember what happened. 3) Marguritte warned of a tribe of wild beastmen comming from outside the Heartlands - the Bloody Hoof (known to migrate every dozen years through civilised lands). The tribe was soundly defeated driving them back into the wild. A Stave was in the possession of the high Shaman who had used it to amplify his ability to beast-shape. Another group of Wardens had been sent to intercept the beastmen, and an altercation between the two groups lead to the death of several wardens. Possible shapeshifter activity reported, with one of them masquerading as a Warden and intercepting the recovered Stave and excaping with it. This individual was described as like a light blue skinned elf with too many joints and identified its self as Maruk Investigations into the conduct of Wardens are on going. 4) At the suggestion of Marguritte, a party of Wardens including Marshall Melchett entered a formerly abandoned Fae Realm. This had been abandoned as a result of a War and had subsequently become the domain of Questor - a sentinence whos nature created puzzles. Wardens navigated a puzzle labyrinth, and sucessfully recovered a Stave. They had been told that there was another individual attempting to recover the stave - whos form was not fixed and had more elbows - perhaps the same individual who previously stole a Stave? The journey through the Puzzle realm resulted in the death of several Wardens including Marshall Melchett. Investigations are underway. The body of Marshall Melchett was raised as a Wight and has since been placed in secure storage pending a Council decision on its future. 5) Marshall Travers - a skeptic of all this stave & dream nonsense - sent a party of Wardens to investigate disturbing reports of plague appearing several days travel away. The party enter the region to find No plague here. There was, but were better now. A wandering Monk from the Brotherhood Vitae had passed through and cured everyone, he was described as having what could be a stave. The party followed eager to speak with the monk. In the next village half a day away, not only had the Villagers been healed of the plague, but also One Legged Pete, wasnt one legged anymore. The party came across a grandmother looking for her 5 year old grandson who when found was suffering giantacism - now with the body of a seven foot tall extremely muscled individual capable of breaking bones with ease, yet still retaining the mind of a child. The next village was found to contain what were described as perfect specimens of humanity, with a strange allure that the party had trouble resisting their advances. More gigantic children were found, and a village where the entire population had been cured of the plague but had severe mutations. Clear signs of biomancy magic running wild. The party followed the Monk to a small shrine, encountering some Villagers who had been mutated like the children to giagantic, muscley proportions. These were hostile to the partys efforts to reverse the mutations claiming they were beneficial. Inside the shrine, there was a column of biomancy energy in a ritual (with a stave at the heart of it), with reportly two identical Monks attempting to manipulate it The supposed death of one released the other to shut down the ritual and grab the stave, then supposedly shapeshifted into a wolf and escaping. While evidence of wild releases of untamed biomancy energy remains - presumably enhanced by the Stave, no other witnesses to events can be found as the plague returned with unexpected virulency and proved fatal to those who had previously contracted it. While evidence of mutation within the Wardens was prevalent, it has largely subsided returning to tolerable levels thus eliminating the need for sanction. 6) Marshall Travers sent Wardens to deal with an Ork problem - Warboss Wargggh Headsplitter was stirring trouble. Due to the questionable decisions some Wardens have been making of late, Interrogator Helenbrecht (an old adventuring friend of the Marshall) was tasked with going with the Wardens and evaluating their performance. On the trail of the Warboss, numerous wild Orks and several giants were encountered along with (quite worryingly) drow (who were after something of power). The inevitable demise of Headsplitter showed that he had been using a Stave to enhance his Orky Charisma. Interrogator Helenbrecht was given the Stave for safekeeping. It was when the party returned to the Wardens camp, they were told by Marshall Travers that the Interrogator had been murdered and replaced expertly by a shapeshifter. This individual absconded with the Stave before they could be apprehended. Further investigations are required.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:29:39 +0000

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