Nothing can protect us from experiencing our share of dark days. - TopicsExpress


Nothing can protect us from experiencing our share of dark days. We will all have them. But we can do something to transform so-called calamities into opportunities for growth, enlightenment and positive change. After all, our life experiences become calamities only if we make the conscious decision to make tragedies out of them. The difficult days I have experienced became the driving force of change. Rather than lamenting adversity, I chose to be grateful for it. I embraced and accepted it as a gift from the Divine, a marvelous learning tool. The gift I received certainly did not come enveloped in beautiful wrapping paper. In fact its package was so revolting that it was almost unimaginable what possible benefit could come from it. The gift I received, however, offered me a new way to see experiences, a new way to interpret adversity, a way to transform suffering into insight that ultimately helped to propel me onto a higher path. Within this gift were lessons that helped promote my spiritual development and maturation in ways I could never have anticipated. By being grateful for the adversity, I began seeing it as an opportunity to transform turmoil, disappointment, and suffering into understanding, insight, and resolve. Ultimately, I discovered that I had only two choices of how to respond to this father’s worst nightmare. I could either accept the gift for what it was or I could resist the offering. The more I resisted, the greater magnified the pain and suffering became. Resistance led to resentment. Resentment fueled and anger, turmoil and fear. It was only when I allowed myself to change the thought that meaning began trickling into my consciousness. Peace ensued and my transformative enlightenment began. This wisdom from the ancient mystical text of Judaism called the Kabbalah has forever reshaped my understanding of life: “The falls of our life provide us with the energy to propel ourselves to a much higher level.” It is the falls of our life we must embrace.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:55:59 +0000

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