Novel Title: Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: - TopicsExpress


Novel Title: Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: GlowingScenes -CHAPTER 28- Mandy Brews applied a slight touch of make-up on her face and with the help of her mirror, she added them in the right places. Even her reflection couldn’t hide the joy that was about to spill right out of her at the news she had received from the doctor this afternoon. She applied a little spritz, one of Joe’s favorite and threw on her shades making sure her blonde hair was still in place. And then she stepped out of her car and headed straight for the elevator in the company her husband’s parents had passed down to him over the years. It had been a while she had been here. The last time she’d come over was to tell him about her first pregnancy How ironic it was that she was coming to deliver similar news but this time, it was going to be celebrated. She wondered where He was going to take her tonight Or maybe he would make her a nice dinner like two nights ago and this time, coupled with breakfast in bed. It’d been a while she’d had breakfast in bed. She was going to surprise him. She removed her shades and stepped into the elevator hoping she remembered the floor where his office was located. She raised her hand to her hair unconsciously almost unaware of the scrutiny of the men behind her. Just as she stepped out and headed towards her husband’s office, she came in touch with her husband’s secretary or Personal Assistant as she observed on her desk. “Mr.Brews is busy right now.’’ The prim and proper woman responded rather coldly, envy conspicuous in her eyes as her eyes strolled down her shape. Where in the world did Joe Brews get all these women from?’’ she wondered. They had something in common. They were pretty and had great shape. Most especially on the legs Mandy cocked an eyebrow. ‘’busy?’’ “yes.., do you have an appointment Miss…’’ “Mrs Brews.’’ She snapped hurt that the woman did not even know who she was ‘’He’s my husband and I need to see him now. Is he in some kinda meeting?’’ The shock in her eyes couldn’t be hidden and she quickly stood up nervously. ‘’I’m so sorry ma’am’’ “no need to be’’ “well, he’s in a meeting.’’ She gibbered “I’ll just peep and say Hi then.’’ Mandy smiled falsely as the feeling of trepidation crawled up her spine. There was something fishy about the way the secretary answered her. “no…wait!!..Mrs Brews!!’’ the woman hurriedly ran to hinder her but that was before Mandy snatched the door open and gasped in shock. Joe drew back in shock at the sudden entrance of his wife and tried to adjust his fly rather carelessly at the same time hurrying over to her. “don’t you dare!!’’ she pointed a finger at him and didn’t know when the tears started strolling down. She looked at the woman whom Joe had been cheating with all these years. She remembered her so well. One of those days she’d spotted Joe kissing her while she sat in the darkness of her car. That early stage of marriage when she’d been so naïve to follow him about just to see what kept him late outside his home, or rather to confirm the gossip she’d heard from a close friend. More of a town snitch. “I wish I could claw your eyes out and watch you bleed just like you’ve made me bleed over the years but you’re not worth it. not even a finger will I lay on you or I’d kill you.’’ She turned to Joe. ‘’you good for nothing dog!!’’ she charged for him and rained her fists and her bag on him till she could fight no more. ‘’I hate you!’’ she yelled. ‘’and I wish I was not carrying your child!! I wish I never loved you!! And I want that divorce or I’m gonna make sure your company goes down with you.’’ And she inhaled, rolled her eyes at the prim and proper secretary and hurried out of his office. When she got to her car, she broke down into the steering wheel and closed her eyes so she could breathe and concentrate. She remembered the scene from “Waiting to Exhale’’ and was tempted to go to the house and burn all his things If it was possible, she’d burn him too and the witch who he’d been cheating with. Both of them were going to hell. She wanted them to. For everything they put her through her whole life. they were going to pay. As she drove, she contemplated on aborting the Child. She wanted nothing of Joe Brews inside of her anymore. She wanted a new life. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; When Rea got home, the house was quiet and she felt an odd sensation crawl up her spine. Something was not right. “mum?.., Dad?’’ But there was no response. She dropped her bag and strolled upstairs and peeped into her parent’s bedroom since it was slightly open. She could hear sobs, and she saw clothes scattered on the floor. “Mum?’’ But what she saw broke her heart. The poor woman lay on the bed sobbing heavily curled up in a fetal position unaware of her surroundings. Broken vases, jewelry boxes were splayed open and the whole room was in a mess. But Mandy Brews was a wreck with her whole face swollen and red with tears Rea climbed the bed and touched her shoulder. ‘’Mum…, what’s wrong?’’ ‘’I’m pregnant.’’ “for Dad?’’ “yes.., but it doesn’t matter anyway cos I’m getting rid of it and I’m doing that once I’m out of this place.’’ She blew her nose into a Kleenex and sat up to look at Rea. “Poor baby.’’ She stroked her hair. ‘’I didn’t mean to put you through all of this.’’ “you don’t have to do this.’’ Rea spoke up and tears strolled down her cheeks. ‘’I want to have a junior brother or sister.’’ On remembering Mickey and the twins, she continued, suddenly realizing how much she missed them. ‘’even if Dad’s been a jerk, don’t get rid of the life inside you.’’ “it’s just two months’’ she shrugged. “and I know of a perfectly working sonogram to check it out.’’ “baby…’’ “no mum, please don’t!’’ Rea embraced the woman and started crying uncontrollably. She cried so much that she thought she was going to choke on her tears. And then she blanked out. --------------------------------------------- ----------- Keep Checking With Us For CHAPTER 29.... Like, Drop Your Comments and Share!!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:17:56 +0000

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