November - the month of THANKSGIVING.. Nov. 29 & 30 - GRATEFUL - - TopicsExpress


November - the month of THANKSGIVING.. Nov. 29 & 30 - GRATEFUL - THANKFUL - BLESSED - well it is almost 10 pm and we are all packed save what is left in the kitchen... and packing up the final tidbits will be the last hurrah tomorrow - Dec 1... WE are so THANKFUl for our family and all the HELP provided during this Thanksgiving move... I cannot say enough thank yous for all the help form Lee and Susan Hopewell, Janna Ward, Danielle, Zach, & Trenton - and God Bless our new little girl Taylor just 3 weeks old... sadly we learned that Lees Uncle Jack - my cousin - passed away the day after Thanksgiving... prayers for the family as we deal with this sad and difficult time... Nov. 28 - grateful for a nice cool crisp day to move... we have started the packing and divvying up the goods... with the family... and I will say it over and over... so blessed to have family to help us!!! LOVE THEM!!! Oh yes... and thankful for a local restaurant - we will have turkey today for dinner!!! YES!!! A day late... better late than never!!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving... Hope those of you that did BLACK FRIDAY shopping found everything you wanted and saved $$$ No. 27 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING - grateful for clear sailing as we traveled to PA - getting ready to move out of our PA home - and rent it to a nice couple expecting their second child. So blessed to have our family help us - and to get a short visit in with Steves mom... tomorrow is the big moving day... prayers that things go smoothly!!! Nov. 26 - grateful for a wonderful turn-out on a rainy/snowy night at Barratts Chapel - what a wonderful night of music, worship, and fellowship. THE REMINDERS performance was so moving... there was a lot of LOVE in that most spiritual place! Nov. 25. grateful for busy days - and today is definitely going to be busy... between work, laundry, packing, and working some more... I am going to have my hands and head full today... Thanksgiving is almost here... and oh yeah... then there is the weather factor... SNOW... where we are heading in PA... I remain grateful!!! Nov. 24 - grateful for this early morning rise - as we prepare this week for our Thanksgiving festivities... Wed. THE REMINDERS & Friends at Barratts Chapel and Black Friday at Browseabout Books to perform for all the shoppers... and a trip to PA for Steve and me - more on that later... Thanksgiving will soon be here!!! Are you ready??? Nov. 23 - grateful for my church family - who doesnt love getting hugs and feeling the love!!! Not to mention all the wonderful things they do!!! What a loving giving family of friends!!! Nov. 22 - grateful for working on weekends, - call me crazy but I love my weekend job with RE/MAX Lewes Associates. Nov. 21 - grateful for Fridays - get to spend some quality time with my wonderful hubby dinning out. Nov. 20 - grateful for the roof over my head - I love my home... working on getting things organized - and grateful that I have a home to organize! Nov. 19 - grateful for repair men/women - as our heating system is not working - hope they get here soon! Praying... Nov. 18 - grateful for doctors - as Steve and I went to the eye doctors today... no changes for me... YAY! and huge changes for Steve... a good thing... he will soon be able to see better!!! keep looking as soon we will both be sporting new goggles!!! hahaha.... Nov. 17 - grateful for the rain - much needed - as it rained and rained and rained some more... Nov. 16 - grateful for my niece Janna Ward as today is her birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANNA!!! I love you to the moon and back!!! oxoxoxox... Nov. 15 - grateful that my mother taught me how to cook/bake - as we made 12 doz cookies for our COOKIE WALK at Bethel UMC. grateful for my helper, Steve who helped bake and taste test... LOL...Cookie Walk is Dec 6 Nov. 14 - grateful for crisp cold fall days - a great day to bake cookies! Snicker Doodles... Steve is really grateful! LOL... Nov. 13 - grateful for music - as we went to Keith Macks CD release THE MOMENT at Bethany Blues - a wonderful evening of music!!! Nov. 12 - grateful for cold meds - as I have now got a head cold.... ugh... and grateful for school districts that call in fog delays to keep our teachers and children safe!!! FOGGY OUT THERE FOLKS BE SAFE!!!! Nov. 11 - grateful for our military - THANK A VET TODAY! Thank you for making and keeping our country free. Freedom isnt Free and a VET knows that more than anyone... Thanks for your sacrifices!!! GOD BLESS our MILITARY - OUR VETS - as today is VETERANS DAY. Nov 10 - grateful for transportation - as I drove to Georgetown for work, health, and pleasure... and saw a lot of wonderful Gtown friends... and made some new ones, too - shopped at Dollar General and dined at Pizza Palace... YUM!!! Nov 9 - grateful for children - as we had 30 wonderful church family kiddos in our home for a progressive dinner... oh what fun... we served the apps. Nov. 8 - grateful for moments of great joy - as I received a most positive phone call today. My cup runneth over!!!! Nov. 7 - grateful for new technology - as I was using my new camera to shoot two very dear friends wedding day - a wonderful wedding and fun reception!!! Nov. 6 - grateful for Love - as today I had the privilege of shooting pix for a wedding rehearsal Nov. 5 - grateful for my family - had a lovely conversation with my niece yesterday - November, the month for family gatherings Nov 4 - grateful to live in a FREE country - where I can can cast my vote - as today is election day- please share your voice and get out there and vote! Nov 3 - grateful for the work that I have and my fellow work mates - as today is Monday - the beginning of the work week for many... Nov 2 - grateful for my church family - as today is Sunday. Nov 1 - grateful for my husband, Steve Kremer
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:46:38 +0000

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