November has settled in.... The scarlet and golden and orange - TopicsExpress


November has settled in.... The scarlet and golden and orange leaves are withered... replaced by browns and greys. The air has an intoxicating edge and crispness. Odin (Aesir) has risen slowly and deliberately from his Vanic-season slumbers. He thoughtfully stretches and flexes well-rested muscle, and the last vestiges of his repose have been replaced by shrewd assessment. He has taken down his sword, hung away these months past, and measured the keenness of the edge; while The Eye Within calculates... scores… strengths… strategies for the days to come. We are deep in the season of Winternights. The November air smells of well-worn harness leather, the sweat of horses, the metallic tang of oil on weapon steel. I stand quiet, and hear the war horses snort, and I can see their breath plume in the cool air, smell the rich, dark earth and decaying leaves where their hooves have impatiently torn at the ground. Leather squeaks, blades and shields ring dully as they are hung on saddle pommels. The Wild Hunt rides again. These darkening days and dropping temperatures remind us that youthful promise is behind us; the year has turned to seasoned reflection. As the trees are stripped bare of their leaves, so do we strip ourselves of pretense and empty words, half-baked plans and half-remembered promises. The Aesiric season is waxing once again. We take a hard look at the year that is closing--our words and deeds, accomplishments, and shortcomings. We turn our attention from the ~outward~--warm joyful days and harvest abundance--to the ~inward~--preparations for the deep of winter, self-reflection and frank assessment. It is time to address and resolve those matters that need to be put to rest before the new year begins with Yule. These nights are ideal for horns of mead shared round a fire beneath a starry sky… toasts of home brew, and gifts poured out to our Ancestors, our Disir, the Mothers of our Clans, and the Alfar, who have gathered with us as in the old ways of our Folk. I send my greetings winging with the wood smoke into the night wind. I listen close for their reply.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:35:20 +0000

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