November will soon be here and a chance for conservatives to gain - TopicsExpress


November will soon be here and a chance for conservatives to gain seats and hopefully slow down this train wreck. I may piss off some, if I do you may need to check your priorities cause they just may be in the wrong place. I hear folks say theyre mad cause their candidate didnt make it through the primary and instead of trying to make the best out of the situation, they try to further divide people. Libertarians are bad for this, I support a lot of the same things they do and can find a lot of common ground with them. Theyre not the only ones who do this, every group has some that do. Fact, There aint no perfect candidate that everyone agrees with on every issue. Major issues are most important, small things can be worked out. Problem is some folks immediately start attacking the person and their supporters that will appear on the ballet as soon as their candidate lost in the primary. Instead of trying to find common ground and work together they further divide. They say they aint voting, some say they hope the left wins to teach them a lesson, others get some unknown to run a third party ticket that absolutely has no chance of winning, they just suck votes from the right, guaranteeing the left wins. They claim they will not vote for the lesser of the two evils. You see they are unwilling to compromise at all. News Flash, There is compromise in politics whether you like it or not. By doing any of these things you do one thing, assure the left wins. You must vote for the lesser of the evils, we must stop this communist takeover by all cost. All my candidates didnt win either, and I have major issues with some candidates but must support them, because we still have some common ground and they will do far less damage to our Constitution than allowing the left to win. Folks you play the hand youre dealt, to do anything else is to allow the left to further destroy our freedoms. Not putting your energy into working together, rather putting it in trying divide is bordering on treason in a sense. I dont like compromise either but its a necessary evil in politics. The left loves us fighting among ourselves, it means victory for them. I cant see how anyone that calls themselves conservative or Constitutionalist can either not vote, or pull any of these antics just because theyre butt hurt. Its idiotic to do so is destroying our Republic. This may be one of the last chances we have to try to save our Republic and it is going to take us all working together finding common ground to do so. Simply waiting to the next election and trying to get your candidate in, ignoring this election and sewing discord aint going to get it. Not only is it unpatriotic, I think it is being a traitor to your country. If I pissed you off , then youre part of the problem, dont wait for no apology, you aint getting one. I wish there was perfect candidates, but there aint, so it becomes necessary to vote for the lesser of two evils. When Jesus comes we will have a perfect system, until then we got what we got and have to make the best out of it. Time is short, are you a Patriot and going to jump in and help save our Republic ? Hillbilly out.....
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:31:40 +0000

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