Now I am being attack by these religious world so bring it on and - TopicsExpress


Now I am being attack by these religious world so bring it on and here is my answer for the ones that do? Religious Claire wrote. Just wondering how you are going to spin it when your end of the world doesnt happen this year? Yes, I believe there can be significance to the signs, as we have been told the heavens would show signs. Like Harold Camping, I am sure you will have another spin afterwards. When your prediction doesnt come true, are you going to erase your previous claims? Or will you admit your error and false prophesying? Or, will you claim this or that event fulfilled your prophecy? That is not what you said in your top of timeline status. If you make a vague, prophecy, you can spin it any way you like, and sell it too, and keep selling. There are lots of fools who will believe everything they hear. So enjoy My answer to you is of course I will be patience and go on mocking who cares? This is not for you to challenge.., Now do not go putting words into my mouth as I did not say the world would end at all in 2014. I said this is the end of the door of grace for the gentile to the switch and under the first blood moons but you would not know what that dispensation means or when it ends because your not a prophet but a Miriam? THE AHABS AND JEZEBELS HAVE MADE THEIR GROVES. WHO ARE THE AHABS AND JEZEBELS TODAY WHO HAVE ROBBED GODS IN MALACHI CHAPTER THREE KNOWN AS THE JEWS AND GENTILES IN BED WITH THE WHORE CALLED THE APOSTATE CHURCH WORLD THAT WANT LIFT A FINGER TO HELP GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE? YOU HAVE ROBBED ME SAITH GOD AND THROW IT UP T MY FACE. Every time I turn around there are some religious people who take me on and John the Revelator who was Jewish and born AGAIN said beware of the Jews who say they are Jews and are found to be liars and Christians who say they are Christians and are liars and these are the ones who stole form God and robbed him as Malachi chapter three foretold in bed together making merchandise off of others while Gods peoples the poor go hungry. Today the Jew mind set is they believe they are predominant over the Gentiles and that is against Gods word because they do not believe the new testament and some are blinded yet that will be saved under sever chastening and get free from this Jezebel and Ahab world and that is about to be stopped as I heard Elijah will feed these kind to the dogs. he word said they are all treacherous men from the prophet to the priest in Israel so this is why your nation is being Judged and they are under the influence of Jezebel and Ahabs so they serve a another Jesus as you know the real Jesus is a commentary and he change his word to suit them right? But I mock these because they will steal from you and this is what happened and triggered WW11 as they scattered into all the world and went a whoring after other Gods for the riches and became rich and their pride destroyed them and their whole familys and it will happen again soon world wide as they will paid the ultimate price along with the Christians and Jews who stoop to their level . They come up with this excuse and say America is now the promise land and lied on God, Abraham, Moses and the prophets while they are really saying America has made us rich and they use the gentiles and the Gentiles use them but they robbed God by spoiling others and I will not be a part of this apostate whore church with seven women taken hold of one man in Rome Italy saying let us maintain our own house and deny God as long as you take away our reproach and allow us to live this kind of treacherous lifestyle. This is what is developing now who John foresaw destroyed and cast into a bed call great tribulations so when I get attacked by these religious spirit for telling the truth I expose them before all as I do not mind naming them because they think they can rebuke a prophet and I can name them as there are seven world religions who are in bed with a whore right now millions and millions are doing this and they have stole their way and when they hear of bad things or what they call gloom and doom they hate me its because I serve another Jesus who want come under the influence of this religious spirit that ruled Ahab in the days of Jezebel who he allow to rule him and Israel.. And that my friend is where we are and why your whole world is being judge and turned upside down because the Christians and Jews have bought the lie as they do not want to lose the good life and their money God as Romans 11 say they were cut off because of the riches of the world and went a whoring after other Gods is the reason God destroyed them and he will do to it one more time to separate the sheeps from the goats because they went for the riches and their idles and made their golden calve and their Groves like Ahab of old did the ruler and leader of Israel under this religious ungodly women spirit they sold to and replace God by the golden calves and their idles and friends some of you will not be trick by it... God s word tell you no true Jew can worship idles or they are breaking the law as God said this religious spirit would rule over his people in the last days which is scripture and cause then to error and her name was Jezebel who they gave into as the bible said they would do and blaspheme Gods word and thats what they have done and now the NWO will do Gods bidden for him as he put it in their hears to do his will to destroy them all who went a whoring after other Gods These are the Ahabs heir and Jezebels heir of old God said he would bring this evil upon because Ahab did repent so God said there would be only a few Jews and Christians saved not million and a few Christians so lets see what God said about these and who they really are in bed with the whore and are blind and drunken on this religious spirit none other than the Jezebel spirit as they say to this one man the Pope, Let us maintain our on houses but take away our reproach other wise tell us what we want to hear, tickle our ears and it better be what we want to hear or we will not allow you to rule over us so get ready for the NWO to rule over you some of you who think you can break God word of the two edge sword and rebuke a prophet as I do not seek your approval for anything. When you challenge this man of God who is not afraid of your faces I will answer you Like Elijah did and mock you so who are they and where did they come from and see who the seven world religions are who has taken whole of this one man in Gods word ... #1Judaism, #2Mohamedism, #3 Confusism, # 4 Buddhism, #5 Catholicism , #6 Hinduism, and #7 Communism that is about to take over America and the whole world for this evil that has been done against God and his Children for turning them away. God word said from the prophets to the priest in Israel are all treacherous men and now you know why I ask for your help who know the truth as they will not help Gods people but learn to proselyte each other to make a paycheck and worship idles and have gone a whoring after other Gods but a true Jew and true Christian will not do this but come out from under this deception as it is against the old and new testament and if he does he will be cut off even by the law so God say in his word to hell with this religious world as their final Judgment before martial law and the new executive laws are in place as they did the same thing to God and his people and said they were predominant over the gentile and this is what the gentile bought as Peter got rebukes over that same thing so lets read where they came from as it is in the word. So Let read the bible and make sure John the revelator and the prophets knew who they were talking about as only a small remnant shall be saved as I am sure the saved gentile will provoke them to Jealousy in Gods time to save some as some of you are Jealous now and envy of this prophet and do not want me to help the real Jews who are the real Jews and real Christians who are the real Christians . So ladys and gentlemen you see who the real enemies of God are those who turn away God chosen remnant the few who will come out from this damnable teaching of prosperity and the good life so God will destroy the majority just like he did in the wilderness of old because they have tempted him over and over again so my friend the real enemies of God are those who say they are Jews and Christians but lie on God. I am sure others can see though this deception as God one more time is and will turn their world upside down in another holocaust soon. There you have it church world so you serve Satan and be he ruled over by the heathen and thats why there is going to be another holocaust for those who have lied on God and did not plead the cause of his people and I got newss for Jews and Christians your going to be fed to the dogs by the NWO and you will not do it ever again as God judged you shortly... I do not want no part of this Jezebel spirit that has taken over the Jews and Christians world who ruin it all like David Wilkerson and this prophet and many more proclaimed so Jews who are predominate over Christians and the Christians believe this lie that God has no respect of persons is why you do you commit sin God said so lie on God sir, lady, man I am not save by Jews or Christians but by Jesus Christ who you take offence of the gospel like apostle Paul said you would as Jesus Christ is your stumbling stone the chief comer stone you have rejected 2000 years ago so get ready to be judge next Jews after the first blood moons so we can know the difference for the sheep and the goats. So people help me feed the true remnant and not the imposters who will run you crazy with their religious spirit because these religious people are afraid of standing up and losing their riches as they know they will lose everything for the kingdom sake and Like Paul said though I made you sorry I repent not for the gospel sake and have I become you enemies for telling you the truth I repent not. God bless the hearers and he will bless those that bless true Israel not the Ahabs and Jezebels but his own chosen people the grafted in one ? Jackie
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:07:07 +0000

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