Now, a National Institutes of Health-funded vaccine scientist who - TopicsExpress


Now, a National Institutes of Health-funded vaccine scientist who was celebrated as achieving a breakthrough vaccine against HIV has confessed to spiking the test subject blood samples with antibodies. Dong-Pyou Han had taken $5 million in NIH grant money to further his research at Iowa State University. The mainstream media and vaccine advocates hailed his research as groundbreaking, game-changing advancements in the search for an AIDS vaccine. But now, it turns out Han committed outrageous scientific fraud that wasted taxpayer money and diverted resources away from other important research projects. So federal prosecutors have taken the extraordinary step of charging Han with making false statements to the government. He now faces four felony counts, each of which carries a maximum prison sentence of five years. (Yes, lying to the government is a federal crime. But the government lying to us, well... thats another matter altogether.) Its an important case because it is extremely rare for scientists found to have committed fraud to be held accountable by the actual criminal justice system, said Retraction Watch co-founder Ivan Oransky in an ABC News article. (1) Learn more: naturalnews/045726_research_fraud_AIDS_vaccine_science-based_medicine.html##ixzz35mlHnGWN
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:05:21 +0000

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