Now even Malays are forsaking the country Oct 27, 2014 FREE - TopicsExpress


Now even Malays are forsaking the country Oct 27, 2014 FREE YOURSAY ‘The opposition to BN is spreading to the younger generation.’ Ali flees to Sweden after multiple sedition charges Ferdtan: We hope that Ali Abd Jalil, who has fled to Sweden to seek asylum, is successful in his attempt to escape the repressive BN government from its ‘persecution’ of a young Malaysian just because he expressed opinions not to the liking of the government. Yes, we agree with his action to go into exile as his life was definitely in danger as he was unprecedentedly detained for 22 days in two states, Selangor and Johor. Looking at the events unfolded earlier it is definitely a wise decision for Ali to leave, though sad that he had to leave his family and country he loves. Ali was charged for sedition four times, re-arrested each time at the courts after posting bail - one after another without a day free from remand. The first time was in Selayang Session Court, he posted bail, was immediately re-arrested and then charged with two counts in Shah Alam Sessions Court. He posted bail in Shah Alam only to be re-arrested again 10 minutes later. Then the police, treating this as a special case, took the trouble to send him a few hundred kilometres away to Johor to be charged and remanded. Once again he was given bail and what did the police do again? Yes, right, he was re-arrested under a different section of the Sedition Act in a bid to extend his remand. Who is Ali Abd Jalil? Is he a dangerous terrorist? A murderer? A rapist? No, he is just like one of us voicing his opinion. We are a bit different in that we are more careful as we are not as brave like this young man. Keep up the fight from outside the country. Ali, our prayers are with you. Human Rights Advocate: I am astounded that this can happen in a supposedly democratic country. He is a young man with vast potential. Like a lot of young men, he may be idealistic but still there is no reason to harass him to the extent of him giving up on Malaysia. What a waste. I hope the powers-that-be are sensitive to the needs and feelings of young Malaysians. Please dont drive them away. Axolotl: Im relieved to hear this news because I care about this outspoken young man who has the potential to inspire many others to cast aside useless traditions that lead only to exploitation and enslavement under a corrupt and wicked oligarchy - more accurately a kleptocracy (a nation misruled by greed) or even a ‘kakistocracy’ (where the worst elements rise to power). It is my hope that Sweden will grant Ali political asylum until he can safely return to a heros welcome and help us rebuild a nation plundered and pillaged by Umno pirates and parasites. Wira: After persecuting you, expect the likes of Perkasa and Isma to call you a coward for running away and not staying behind to defend your innocence under a law which is immune to Umno racists. In my course of work, I have been bringing in high-tech foreign investments into Malaysia. Now I dont know why I should be doing this anymore since smart youths are leaving this country. Kim Quek: An unmistakable sign of a repressive and regressive regime when bright and upright young man like Ali has to flee the country to escape state persecution and threats from conservative mobsters for nothing other than exercising his constitutional right of legitimate criticism of the high and mighty. Ali, we are proud of your courage and righteousness, and we send you our very best wishes and regards. Be brave and continue to do what is right. CQ Muar: Who would have expected citizens of this country of democracy to flee for freedom and seek asylum in another country? First it was a Chinese and now a Muslim Malay. Just what is happening to this once peaceful nation? When will such insanity and unrest come to an end so that we need not live in fear of the government? Is the present regime under PM Najib Abdul Razak so touchy as to stifle freedom with the Sedition Act? Anonymous_ABG: Ali is a true Malay and a good example to all other Malays, young and bright. Expression of views and freedom of speech cannot be considered an offence. Right-thinking Malays must rise up and exercise their freedom of speech without fear. Positive Thinker: What is happening to Malaysia? Never have I heard of Malays fleeing the country seeking asylum in a foreign country to escape persecution. This is bad, very bad. If Malays can feel insecure then what is the future for non-Malays? Headhunter: The Najib regime still does not realise that opposition to the BN is spreading to the younger generation. Not just the younger generation, but well-educated youths. Surely this has very profound effect on the next and future general elections. Many governments had been changed when youths get disillusioned with their government. Anonymous_1371547149: I never thought the day would come where Malaysians would have to seek asylum in other countries. Good luck to you, Ali. • The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. Over the past one year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. Subscribe now. • These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:35:30 +0000

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