Now in English , last week at lunch with Matthew , they were - TopicsExpress


Now in English , last week at lunch with Matthew , they were letting the children get up on stage and sing . Posa tells me that Matthew wanted desperately to go up but didnt know any songs so he was upset . Posa told him that maybe I could teach him a song and then he could be ready to sing it the following week . Well we decided on America the Beautiful , we practiced all week and he easily learned a short verse . The day came , today and he was ready to go . When they called him up , he got up with no worries . Walked up to the microphone like it was nothing , and Posa and I got ready to record . The Principal asked him if he was ready and he says yes , theres only one problem , Im too nervous . From one moment to the next , and I tell you I have seen Matthew so anxious about something that he starts to shake his head for weeks at a time . Ive seen him scream as if someones beating him over a simple frustration . Today though , for the first time I saw my son panicked and in fear and God is always present because we were so focused on seeing Matthew on stage we forgot all about Andrews therapy , so I was there . I saw my son panicked and quickly went up and asked him if he thought it would help him if I sang along side him and he said yes . If you watch the video , shortly into it you will see Matthew grab my face and kiss me . There is no better way of him saying Thank you Papi and to finish it off he corrected me during the song as well , lol . Life is great !
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:44:23 +0000

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