Now is the time to launch Ed Miliband, the Prime Minister, as he - TopicsExpress


Now is the time to launch Ed Miliband, the Prime Minister, as he needs a little time before the Election he is going to win in 200 days time to send shock waves of disappointment (at their own policies) and dismay through the Tory Party he must undermine to win. And he will make a very good to, yes, excellent PM for us Labour voters and the entire country, too. He is so supremely suitable for the role, so eloquent, personable and nice, so unflinching in the face of adversity and including Tory opposition which he quickly dispenses with. And he always shows he has a heart and is willing to use it for his Labour policies and the people of Britain. So just to tease out a tiny problem before his imminent advent at the forefront of the world stage. Whilst he has been a PM-in-waiting NEWS FLASH our dear Mr Miliband has fallen foul not just to a Tory policy (in disguise from him) he has adopted - something a Labour Minister must never do - but also succumbed to David hammerer of the poor Camerons mole he has in place as one of Ed Milibands close personal advisers. Planted by the old schoolboy network, and who is really a Tory. He has been brainwashing (done by repeating the same thing over and over again) Mr Miliband to join the current political ebola trend - it is as if they all have the same disease - and hammer attack the poor by saying he will cap child benefits. The mole will have told Mr Miliband that this is modern and the way to go. This is clearly wrong. It is depleting their money they already have when inflation isnt their fault. It is inhumane and against all the practises of former governments of all parties who guaranteed to keep everyone abreast of inflation with pay and benefit rises. If Mr Miliband was to go down that road his rival David the hammer would say yes, he really agrees with Tory policies just not as strongly and would revert Mr Miliband back behind him with Nick Clegg. A psychologist knows that wryly everything everyone does, thinks or says comes with a little hypocrisy - though that couldnt apply to our pure and honest Mr Miliband for a second. But David Cameron got the idea from his keeping Nick Clegg, as Deputy Prime Minister of the Coalition, of making his partner always look like his underling, a puppy at heels with his own Tory policies. So he thought he would try it on with Mr Miliband and has imperceptibly planted a mole in the Labour camp at Eds heel. But not so imperceptible that this wasnt obvious the moment that our trainee PM announced that he was going to cap child benefits. I said straight away to myself Well, there must be a mole. When David Cameron first took office he was told by his Party overlords We are the rich. Make us money with every one of your new policies. Your voters are the rich. They like to see their money increased. And indeed David Cameron knew that the rich only think of their money. To them and their disinterest in the poor, the money-only policies devoid of human rights for the poor merely clawed back some of what they have now for rich coffers. All to the amusement of the rich who would like to see the poor more disadvantaged, the gap widened between the rich and the poor, as people who are in the Roman arena waiting for the lions of Social Services to remove their children because is impossible to have quality of life - their human rights - with even less money, and to send in the bailiffs for people with credit card loans of 12-60 months when the Tories remove up to a third of their income for disablement, including mentally ill patients, up to £100 a week in many cases. And also as David Cameron and Nick Clegg have just been knocking spots off each other using the defenceless poor as their battleground and the only place to claw back money from headed for the coffers of the rich. Would they rather have our money instead of us? Its our money. One of David Camerons favourite sayings is: It isnt their money until I give it to them which tempts him also to think he can lawfully withhold what has been royally approved, promised and allocated as their right to receive. They can expect to get it. David Camerons policies are only about money, and how to attack and take back money from the defenceless poor, who have been humiliated in accusations of wrongful blame. There is no humanity in his policies and the party which will win is traditionally the party for the poor to turn to and that in all its long history is the Labour Party. The next Election must be fought and easily won by Mr Ed Miliband on Human Rights for the poor and everyone else. A return to full British democracy, compassion, fairness, justness and a return of peace and safety nets for HM poor. They are depending on you Mr Miliband to win. And find and throw out that Tory mole. Ask the man who brought you the idea for this first and only mistake policy you have ever made and you will find the mole is a Tory planted within your own party at the top who sent him to you with it. Always in future please question whether that is a Tory policy which seems like (is camouflaged) a current trend in modern thinking and rebut it please. Objections will be raised against this rich v poor theory by the rich of the Labour Party of which there are many. Well, do you want the majority poor vote or not? First you have to get into office. And so you will have to listen to me for the poor. Let us hope that the rich of Labour are nicer, kinder, fairer and more generous-spirited than their rich Tory counterparts and that Labours wealthy dont only count their money as the one criteria above all else to their own betterment and not of the poor included in society with them. Labours policies reflect that the many wealthy socialists who have helped formed them are above the usual money only psychology which created the hateful phrase of the Tories Something for nothing.They the poor are people and you are getting much more back for your money than you ever invested in their best interests. To oversee that the poor enjoy a better quality of life is reward for all those nicer rich socialists than their more selfish other party counterparts, who cannot be as happy. One way to undermine David the hammerer of the poor is to play him at his own game, not just to root out the mole which Labour must believe and do urgently. Is David Cameron playing at spies? Turn it all round then to Eds advantage now using human nature which guarantees a certain reaction. Do you know how people love a man who comes admitting he made a mistake about that policy he no longer wishes to enact? Mr Miliband only needs to say that it was too much like a Tory policy and that upon further reflection he wont be capping child benefit once in office after all. And they will make an allowance that he is one of us, an ordinary man, after all and not infallible. Extra points are scored by coming humbly admitting you were wrong on that one occasion only, of course. With his heart on his sleeve Mr Ed Miliband, future PM of the UK, will thus ride into power all the more loved for his admitted mistake. Go for it, Ed. We know you can do it. The poor of Britain cannot afford to wait much longer.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:06:04 +0000

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