Now that I am a little bit calmer, and possibly the truck drivers - TopicsExpress


Now that I am a little bit calmer, and possibly the truck drivers will stop blushing from my language....this afternoon Aspie Teen is unloaded the baby out of the van and putting him in the stroller, which is situation between our van and the car parked in the spot next to us...nothing out of the ordinary there. This woman walks over to me. really nasty and points at my son, and says, He is touching my car! Oh be still my heart my son is brushing against her car with his shirt while he straps a baby into a stroller!! I said, sorry! yes-in a very nasty, condescending, I want to smack you in the head tone. So this woman gets in her car, and pulls out of the spot into the spot in front of her, without waiting for my son to finish strapping the baby, or getting out of the way and actually bumped him and the baby carriage with her car! The nasty ^(%$&*(^&*%!!! Then she stops to make nasty faces and gestures at ME! She nearly knocked my children down with her vehicle (not by accident) including a 11 month old in a baby stroller!!! That is why I asked WTF was wrong with people!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:09:50 +0000

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