Now that the Republicans are in charge....I think it is time to - TopicsExpress


Now that the Republicans are in charge....I think it is time to get a conservative wish list going. 1. Please, please, please...enact legislation that makes it possible for the losing party in an election to jail the winning candidate and install their own choice, before the swearing in. Just imagine how much time it would have saved if the minority of voters that voted for McCain and Romney...could have just jailed Obama and put their guy in the White House. Conservatives should be able to take their country back, even when they lose. 2. Eliminate the IRS completely...and stop collecting taxes. We could save a ton of money on administrative costs if everyone would just send their tithe...I mean tax...directly to the CEOs on wall street and the corporations. 3. Of course....eliminate this affordable health care stuff...too many people are living to retirement age and expect to get their money back in social security. 4. Please close the government down least twice a that we can save money on non essential teachers, postmen, firemen, military, police, 5. disband the federal government...50 separate little countries would be much better....and the states would finally have control over their rights. Disband the military....militias are way better..and cheaper too. 6. Eliminate all gun control. Who wants to control the guns...well at least the guns owned by white folks. No one wants guns in the hands of minorities...they might become serial white folks and that would be dangerous. 7. We need MORE ways to keep poor people from voting...because all they ever want is better pay and more jobs and equal rights...and if they want that...well then they just need to stop being poor. 8. End welfare of any kind. Nothing free for anyone except veterans. If you want help...then you should join up and risk your life for oil companies...and if you live...we will help you. The oil companies will not help you...because that would be bad for big business..and what is bad for big business is bad for rich people everywhere. 9. Please give all state parks and publicly owned property to the oil companies. They can use the money we now send directly to them to develop those properties and save us all that money. 10. Please tax gasoline even that there will be more to send to the oil companies..because they are having a tough time beating their record profits from last year. 11. There are still a few manufacturing plants in the country. What is wrong with those companies? Are they having difficulty finding the right country to rebuild and profit from. Lets get some committee together and help them get those jobs out of here. Manufacturing jobs give the poor people a false sense of their worth and make them want more. Lets let Senator Inhoffe to head up the committee. He has connections in Uganda and he can probably work out a sweet deal where we send some of our militia guys over to kill off more of their gay people, in exchange for us raping their natural resources and working their children to death in our factories for pennies. Because gays in Uganda are a serious threat to democracy here. I have so many more...but alas...I know you have to go to dinner with some billionaires to pick up your paychecks. I wont keep you.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:20:22 +0000

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