Now that the whole world is aware that the US government is - TopicsExpress


Now that the whole world is aware that the US government is sending arms and ammunitions to the Syrian rebels, the same US that armed the terrorist Israeli regime to kill defenceless Palestinians. The F-16s you always hear are US-made planes given(not buy) to Israel to kill Palestinians. The question is why is the US government arming the Syrian rebels? Please dont tell me its because of freedom and democracy because you and I knows that the imperialist US government do not care about freedom and democracy.Those are just words they used to deceive the gullible and the unenlightened. From reliable statistics all US close allies in the Middle East are despotic, undemocratic and dictatorial. All of them! Is it Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Jordan, etc. and worst of all Palestine which is under Zionist occupation.With such a reputation the US has no claim of supporting freedom and democracy. As for Human Rights, no nation on earth takes the lives of human violently like the United States of America. Not to start with Vietnam where that arrogant power murdered more than 4 million Vietnamese, lets just start from recent history that we can quickly remember. After using fake and fabricated Intel, the US murdered more than one million Iraqis.In the notorious Abu Ghuraib prison, the Americans shows the world who is the master of torture and extreme inhumanity to man.In that prison the world saw extreme wickedness that only the Americans and their Israeli hirelings can inflict. To return to our topic, why is the US government arming the Syrian rebels? The US wanted a pro-US and pro-Israeli government in Damascus, a government that will complete the take-over of Palestine. A government that will sign the Treaty of shame and surrender just like what the Egyptians did. Something President Assad and his government will never do. This is the Western imperialist agenda in Syria but you will hear them parroting slogans such as Assad killing his people, Democracy in Syria etc.It is with these false propaganda that these arrogant imperialist powers controls the minds of the gullible. So please do not be deceived by the slogans of these imperialist powers whose only wish is to occupy, dominate and enslave others.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 06:38:33 +0000

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