Now that we know we are dealing with an incompetent idiot, how - TopicsExpress


Now that we know we are dealing with an incompetent idiot, how does it feel, all you who voted for him? Just think, you made this guy President of the United States. Only 3 more years; I wonder how much more damage he can do. The American people deserve it for being the most ignorant, manipulated, intellectually lazy electorate in the world. . They walk around wondering why are there no jobs? Why is the economy stagnant? Why have incomes for an average family dropped $4000.00 since 2008? People who are hurting, cutting back, worried about feeding themselves, feeding their pets, struggling with the bills, wondering how they are going to get by, where they can cut back some more; and can’t seem to put the pieces together. . The American people’s decision to vote for the black guy with a great smile and grandiose words, instead of someone with a resume, real accomplishments, and character has real consequences. In the mean time, voters will overlook lies, mistakes, and misdeeds by politicians; guaranteeing more of the same. . In 9 months and in 2016 we are going to vote again. We can vote for men of character and principle, conservatives, Constitution loving and respecting individuals, who care about the country more than themselves or we can vote for another Obama clone or Democrat that will continue driving this country into bankruptcy. In this regard, Hillary Clinton, a vicious, vindictive, self-serving political hack comes to mind. . Those of us who are disappointed and see ahead of time the real consequences that bad decisions have on people’s lives, we should tighten our belts and hold on. I am afraid we have not seen the end of an ignorant, short sighted electorate. We can be confident and fearful of one thing, however. Ignorance is its own reward and a people who turn their back on God, His grace, including the gift of a Constitution, and who hide God in a closet, are likely never to see His face again or receive any more of His blessing.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:00:59 +0000

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