Now that we’ve got the whole gay marriage thing settled (well, - TopicsExpress


Now that we’ve got the whole gay marriage thing settled (well, not settled, punted like everything else that the Supreme Court looks at) we’ve got to find somebody else to beat up on or we’re going to notice that illegals are coming over the fence like water over a dam (or the exit door of the Dekalb County Ceneplex ). We’d realize that our “glorious leader” is off hunting wild game in Africa, or visiting friends, or site seeing. Question?....if we live in this new age of technology why does the “leader of the free world” have to make a trip at all….can’t he just face time? works with me and the grand kids. Oh, and let’s not forget that the unemployment numbers make FDR look like an economic genius…it no wonder our leaders keep trying to start another fight somewhere, it worked in WWII (maybe you young folks could look that up). So, in an effort to show that I am “down for the struggle” may I suggest the following for this glorious Friday. Let’s follow Jimmy Carter and jump on the Southern Baptists. The Politifact took on his statement that he left the Southern Baptist Convention a few years ago cause they said “women should shut up and do what men say”…well that wasn’t really the quote but who cares?...when you’re out to pick a fight truth is the first casualty….even Politifact called his “recollection” a lie. But it will be ignored just like the TRUTH that our “Pres. from Plains” taught Sunday school in a Southern Baptist Church that wouldn’t allow blacks in it unless they were dropping off food at the back door. But he sure didn’t mind staying there for umpteen zillion years,…. he’d better watch it, he could end up being banned from the Food Channel, Walmart and Sears and Roebuck. And here comes Dan Cathy (Chic Fil A). I have known the Cathy’s for many years and I will never have the success they have had in their business or personal life. But here is a suggestion for Dan…if you want to tweet about the recent ruling on Gays you better turn over the business to Bubba (his brother) or someone else cause you have a big target on your back. You see, freedom to speak is only when you speak what the “freedom police” approve of. May I remind you my friend that the Apostle Paul said we should leave all the trapping behind if we are going to war. I have gotten over my obsession with Chicken Nuggets years ago (I came to a point where I realized I was powerless over chicken…) but my children and grandchildren still like them so don’t let your zeal destroy their lunch time destination. And for those who still can see the ship of state headed for the iceberg, may I suggest you pick on…ME. You see, unlike Jimmy Carter, who will spend the rest of his life trying to look relevant…I really don’t care. And for Dan who does have a responsibility to chicken lovers and his employees to keep his opinions on the down low…I’m the only employee for my little shop so…bring it on. Its Friday and I’m not really interested in the fear mongers, the hater or the protesters. Marry your damn refrigerator if you want to, put Juan Valdez picture on all our money, uh pecos and stand in line for your free cheese from the government man. Nancy Pelosi said yesterday that this 4th of July we should give thanks for our health care. I’ll give thanks for my freedom which, like my relationship to God, it cannot be destroyed by destruction of my body. I believe the founders were right that certain truths are self-evident…they transcend the temporal. I am a Christian alive or dead and my freedom in my soul is not tied to a place…that’s just geography. So maybe you’d better leave me alone and pick on someone your own size…small. I’ll see yáll on the off ramp.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:26:48 +0000

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