Now that you have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at - TopicsExpress


Now that you have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at President Obama and it still hasnt worked you are panicking. Obamas approval ratings are still near 50% despite your best efforts to undermine the economy and Americas recovery at every step you can. You tried to hold the American economy hostage to force America into default on its debts, debts that YOU rang up under Bush, so you could blame it on Obama and it failed. Youve used the filibuster more than any other Congress ever, going so far as to vote against providing health care access to 9/11 first responders. You remember 9/11, dont you, its that thing you used to lie us into a war in Iraq, and then when Obama killed Bin Laden and ended the war in Iraq you told people that he hates America and wants the troops to fail. You monsters. You hate Obama with a passion, despite the fact that he is a tax cutting, deficit reducing war President who undermines civil rights and delivers corporate friendly watered down reforms that benefit special interests just like a Republican. You call him a Kenyan. You call him a socialist. You dance with your hatred singing it proudly in the rain like it was a 1950s musical. Frankly, you disgust me. Your hatred nauseates me. Your bigotry offends me. Your racism revolts me. Dear haters, I am openly questioning your patriotism.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:46:40 +0000

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