Nyanduko Risper 1 hr URGENT: WATCH OUT, THE DOOR OF GRACE IS - TopicsExpress


Nyanduko Risper 1 hr URGENT: WATCH OUT, THE DOOR OF GRACE IS ALMOST SHUTTING DOWN!!! My names are Risper Nyanduko; from Nairobi, Kenya. On the night of Sat 22 Feb. 2014, I had a dream/vision, I found myself standing before a Man who sat on a magnificent seat, He was dressed in sparkling white, resembling snow/cotton wool or the color of hailstones. Before him stood a multitude of people all dressed in white. I saw as though these people highly esteemed/feared Him. It seemed like He either owned the place or was in charge of this place! As He sat there, (leaned His elbow on the arm of the seat supporting his chin by the palm of His hand) He said with tone of finality, “I am tired, I need to close up this chapter”, this statement sent shivers to my spine… it’s like I understood the ‘chapter’ He referred to. To me, seemed to me He was giving up on those had not arrived for they had taken too long. Shocked, I pleaded with Him, saying “Please don’t do this.. please I beg of you, I know and understand you are disappointed by what is going on, but they will make it, you see there are so many who serve you diligently, who work for you day and night. They love you..don’t give up on them, just give them a chance to reach here before you shut the door, please I beg of you.. don’t turn your back on them! You are the reason they forsook everything…have mercy and let them come, I beseech you!”As I begged crying, the place was so quiet; It was as though they were shocked at my ignorance and drama. Finally, He granted my wish. He called one man from the multitude and said to me, “Fine, go with this one and bring whoever you find clothed like him, be it one or more hundred, come with them. Let me explain by example, you see when you leave food with little water in it on fire for long it gets burnt and will be of no use, but just in case its already burnt you look at the condition and see if can salvage the top… this is the scenario; I need to do this now otherwise no one will be saved.” I asked Him, “You said we come with them, what if they refuse? He answered, “They will not refuse, anyone with this kind of dressing belongs here. Just go you will be surprised how eagerly they will accept.” I thanked Him and feeling happy and relieved we left. We found ourselves in a big church, inside it was like an enclosed garbage dump site, I saw vultures and those big birds with big beaks that are usually seen on garbage dump-sites. There were so many people inside others seated on plastic chairs and church benches trying to balance their seats on the heaps of garbage. I saw human feaces everywhere up to the pulpit. there was a river of raw sewage running thro’ to the door, people were dressed in filthy clothes, some tar smeared all over them best dressed were in discolored white that had changed to cream white, light brown to dark brown though with stains and crises. There was so much noise and disorder (like that of an open air market place). Others were in groups discussing. The place was shockingly disgusting. I didn’t understand what business was going on in there but definitely it didn’t look like a place of worship!. We were standing near the door from the back. I told the man, lets go, I can hardly breath. He told me “wait here, we must be thorough, he went in as he turned to come back I saw the bench in front line of the church loosing balance and the people sitting on it on one church bench all fell in the raw sewer, they got out stood there dump with sewer! He told me, “lets go”. We went to so many churches, others had walls made of brick, iron sheets and tents. The condition of dirt was same as the first church. What surprised me is that the man I was with, even when the condition was obvious he could go right in and check each person!. I grew weary and time was running out. we were to return with people…yet we had none! I got scared and anxious, I asked the man. What shall we do now, he told me I have an idea, lets go to the roads even to the crossroads, there we might fine among those going about their business. We found ourselves in different roads, some tarmacked, some murram and others that looked like foot paths. Still we didn’t find any that had the same color as the man I was with! The closest was cream white! We sat on a rock beside the road pondering what to say when we get back. When I remembered how I pleaded and made drama before being sent… realized how I made a great fool of myself. I understood why the multitude kept silent while I pleaded. I didn’t have guts to go back and face Him with the report. I told the man, “Im afraid, I wont go back with you. I am so embarrassed, what have I done!, surely He will not forgive me for wasting His time.. please go back and explain why I couldn’t go back with you. I broke down and cried. He told me, “be strong and lets go back, its worse if you don’t go because you ‘re the one who asked for this” I told him, “you are right, please do me this one favor, I will go with but be the one to explain, at least you are close to Him than me, He might have pity on me.” Then we found ourselves before Him, for fear I stood behind the man, then I realized my cloth was not as white but cream white… that’s when I started trembling. He called me out and said, “Risper, why are you standing behind him, move and stand before me.” still standing behind the man, I pleaded, “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to waste your time..i thought we could find some. I have realized even mine is not the same like his.. please don’t kill me.. have mercy on me”. He said, “I said you come before me”, my knees gave in, I lay down flat, face down before Him, I have never felt so scared in my life that much! He said “Listen, I will not kill you, go back to all those places the two of you visited, lookout for those dressed in different shades of white tell them to make sure its crystal white, tell them to wash them clean wear them and be ready to be picked up. You have seen how everyone here is dressed. Tell them I will not settle for less, not for anyone. I gave them the clothes in good color, so let them rid off all stains an ensure they are as I gave them. Go now”. Then I woke up! I was so relieved it was a dream or was it a vision! Joel 2:28-32 It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour our my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions, and will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before the great and the terrible day of LORD come. And its shall come to pass whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered; for in Mt Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance as the Lord hath said and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call. ! Isaiah 1:18: Come now, let us reason together even though your sins are as red as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. About white clothes read: Rev 3:4;,Thou has a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for e they are worthy. About the Lord’s invitation Read Mathew 22:3,-12, 20:1-16; 25:5.. Remember too the parable of the 10 maiden who were waiting for the groom. Rev 3:18, 4:4,6:11 This message is not for everyone, BUT TO ONLY those whom from deep down in their hearts have decided, and also and to those in the roads (not yet decided but are in road searching for truth God’s will) Before its is too late, He is ready to reason with you.. what is it that is keeping you away? He is ready to forgive the worst of sinners and wash them cloth and count them worthy. As for the dream/vision, you may search the for the biblical meaning and interpretation of the dream but guard your heart jealously for this is 5156where the springs of life come from. Seek God in Truth and Spirit. Ask Holy Spirit to teach you. Lastly, flee from filth and abominations. Spiritually, run as fast as the fear of God will carry you. Everyday pray for yourself..wash your garment with the blood of Jesus for it’s the only bleach for sins. It doesn’t s take rocket science to see the world is heading, evil has taken over the hearts of men. Hypocrisy and wickedness is the order of the day. The days of Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah are here once more. Noah was mocked, Lot too could only salvage himself and the daughters. This is the last call.. I don’t know how long before the door is shut, but you better be in and be safe. The Sheep know the shepherd and the shepherd His flock.. (Rev 18:2) He cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. It is my sincere hope this message will find someone who will see it as a wake up call. Reach out and pass it. Thanks and may you be among those who will be counted worthy by Jesus Christ. Risper. 23rd Feb 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:36:06 +0000

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