:( O man, on the day when you realize that Im getting old, try - TopicsExpress


:( O man, on the day when you realize that Im getting old, try with me to have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating... If I otherwise dress... Be patient, remember, Ive spent much time to learn these things when you were a kid... If I dozens of times back to tell you the same things, interrupt me not! Listen to me. When you were a kid, you asked me All the time, to tell you the same story, night after night, until you fell asleep and I got it like done. If I No more so often shower me, blame me not, and dont tell me that its a shame. Remember How many stories I had to invent to make you swim when you were a kid. Dont laugh at me if I behave intolerant towards new technologies. Give me the time to understand. I have taught you so much... To eat healthy... Neat to dress... Good manners... How to deal with the crisis of the life... Sometimes something cant remember if Im not able to follow a conversation, Give me the necessary time to recall again and if I do not succeed, not become an irritated and arrogant people that is the most important for me... to be with you and to speak with you. If I refuse to eat anything, dont make me do this! I know themselves very well when Im hungry and when Im not hungry. When my old legs are No more as fit as before... Help me in the same way as I held your hands to help you with your first steps. And if I should say one day that I... want to live No more That I want to die, be not angry... Because one day you will understand! Try to understand, that No more living from a certain age. To survive... Someday you will understand that I had always only one thing in mind despite my numerous mistakes:... Your best... You not sad need, to feel unhappy or incompetent because of my age and my State. You have to be just close to me and understand what I live. Help me to go, Help me to end my life With love and patience. The only thing I ask from you is a smile and lots of love. (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:41:53 +0000

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