OBAMA REGIME NOW TRYING TO STOP JEWS FROM ENTERING AND LEAVING AMERICA! It seems Obama has no problem allowing 1.5 million illegal Arab Terrorist into your Nation of America. And it seems that Obama has no problem allowing 12 million Illegal Mexicans into your Nation of America ...... yet a 23 year old IDF soldier applies for a Visa to come home to visit his family and he is denied access to the United States. Israeli Jews are being denied access into the United States... WHY? AMERICA....WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING ON OVER THERE IN YOUR COUNTRY? PLEASE CALL YOUR CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS AND DEMAND THAT THE OBAMA REGIME LIGHTEN UP ON ISRAEL.... BLOW UP THEIR PHONES! It seems Arabs and Mexicans can walk across your borders anytime, but the Israeli Jews cannot get Visas to come visit. Not only are the Jews being denied entrance into America, now with the Israeli Consulate Embassies closed, no Jews in America or other nations can make Aliyah home to Israel. I am not so sure this so called Labor Dispute, is not a scam. The Kadima Party in Israel, who are the liberal idiots of Israel, it appears, has sided with Obama to stage this so called Labor Dispute in order to close all the Embassies throughout the world including America. This prevents not only Jews coming into America but also Jews trying to Aliyah home to Israel. There has been an increase by America in denying Israeli Jews access to the United States ...... Not Arabs, not Mexicans.. just Jews. The only friend America has is Israel.... if the American people continue to allow this Obama Regime to come against Israel then G-d Himself will bring Judgement down upon America. Israel will not be able to help you then. Any man or nation that comes against Israel comes against the G-d of Israel... HE WINS.... they loose ..... its that simple. usnews/news/world/articles/2014/03/28/in-new-row-israel-at-odds-with-us-over-visas
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:01:56 +0000

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