OBJ: A SOILED MAN WITH A SOILED OPINION ADDRESSING A SOILED PEOPLE. I heard Emperor Obasanjo has passed his judgment on the Jonathan administration... And some Nigerians are hooting in delight! It is widely reported that OBJ said Jonathans administration performed below average and that statement has sent some rather shallow-thinking netizens into mental orgasms of triumph. Aha, shebi we said it, they announce with glee. And Im so sad, not at OBJs pronouncement but at our reaction to it because Obasanjo is a soiled man who opinions are imbued with innate rottenness and deadly mischief. But what kind of mindset was he addressing? Ask yourselves! OBJ?? First, the truth or otherwise in OBJs words is left for Nigerians to judge, I wont do that for anyone. Look around you, read the dailies, listen to the news and develop an astute mind for sifting news from trash; when you do that, evaluate the administration whichever way you want and vote accordingly. Thats really not my problem. My problem is with the sort of mind the average Nigerian possesses that allows such despicably immoral and neurotically dissolute men like OBJ to penetrate to the extent of causing a stir with his words. I cant believe that in this our country where we all witnessed the savage and fatal devastation of 99 - 07, Nigerians who are breathing and reasoning, can put any value to ANYTHING Obasanjo says. Those Nigerians who witnessed the reign of utter impunity and the primitive and relentless destruction of the countrys economy and values will stand aback in shock at the way the same man who orchestrated that destruction is now being celebrated in a curious twist in the sorry tale called Nigeria. It is NOT my intention to rehash the unfortunate events of that dark era of Nigerias history (99 - 07), rather I want to provoke our national conscience into TOTALLY shunning these past reprobates like OBJ who masquerade as leaders; we need to put them in a place of perpetual ignominy and the dark hall of infamy where theyll not be seen or heard to pollute and outrage our sensibilities with their fake righteous drivel. Just imagine Goodluck Jonathan loses 2015 and keeps heckling the new administration about corruption, how will that sound??? Since our system has proven hopelessly incapable of bringing past leaders to book, the best we can do for ourselves as a people is to ignore them and NEVER give them the opportunity to EVER influence national thought again! OBJ presided over a coup in Anambra and dined with the coup-plotters afterwards; OBJ presided over the looting of the economy by his cronies; OBJ disregarded court orders, illegally arrested whole state Houses of Assembly forcing them to impeach governors not in his good books; OBJ bribed National Assembly members and the bribe cash was displayed on the floor of the NASS not once, not twice; OBJ presided over the serial political assassinations of highly placed figures including his own Attorney-General... Is that the sort of man whose voice should be heard where decent people are? What weight of credence should sane people attach to the words of a man like OBJ? Ordinarily, OBJ and others like him should be in a secured correctional facility wearing a numbered uniform as a permanent guest of the state! If were hailing OBJ today inspite of the heinous crimes he has committed against us, let us examine ourselves whether weve become like him! If the opinions of a man who actually deepened the rot in our country is making such an impact on us, then we need to re-examine who we are! An active social conscience and a desire to shut out past evils and move ahead without being burdened by the OBJs of this country must define our path to the future. A new direction, a new mode of thinking, a new pattern of doing things is desperately needed...and the OBJs of Nigeria and their fetid opinions must have no place in it! ~ Iyke Durumba
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:50:25 +0000

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