OCCUPIED STATE OF KASHMIR The STATE OF KASHMIR on October 25, 1947 existed as an independent sovereign nation. India occupied it through manipulations and intrigues involving Maharaja Patiala initially and then slowly roping in Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir and Sheikh Abdullah, a popular leader of Kashmir. Both were hoodwinked with false promises and dream of secular India that proved to be a mirage. Hari Singh wanted Kashmir to remain independent. The growing Indian clandestine political activity sent alarm bells to the newly created independent nation of Pakistan. MAHARAJA HARI SINGH Very little could be done by Pakistan´s shocked Governor-General M A Jinnah whose army Chief General Douglas Gracy preferred to act on the orders received from Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten. An act in desperation by a Kashmiri Major Khurshid Anwar to stop India´s occupation plan lacked initial support from Pakistan army which, if provided, would have put Kashmir in Pakistans lap lock, stock and barrel. Hari Singh succeeded his uncle Maharaja Pratap Singh, and ascended the throne on October 14, 1925. He manoeuvred to maintain his independence by playing India and Pakistan by signing stand still agreements with both the countries. Firmly in control after occupation, using Hari Singh to the hilt internationally, India terminated and dispensed with Hari Singhs rule in 1951, externed him to Bombay for rest of his life to die their on April 26, 1961. Thus India put all its eggs in one basket; exiled Maharaja to rot in Bombay and expended Abdullah in different jails of India to die a political death. The purport accession based by India on the loyalties extended by Maharaja and Abdullah smashed to smithereens exposed Indias blatant lies. India, due to frustration, is now toying with the idea of creating regionalism, communalism and division among people, hoping to complicate the issue further. Pandit Nehru in Kashmir: Nehrus pledge at HISTORICAL LAL CHOWK [RED SQUARE} SRINAGAR KASHMIR An historical speech made by Jawaharlal Nehru, an offer and a solemn pledge that India is coming in to help having no intention of staying back and will leave instead, after the invasion of tribal warriors from NWFP is dealt with. man tu shudam, tu man shudi did not seem to work for Sheikh as perhaps Nehru did not understand the language and chose to ignore it. Nehrus cleverness paid huge dividends by associating himself with secular upcoming leader of Kashmiris than with Maharaja Hari Singh whose days ,he thought were numbered and who had opposed Nehru right from the start, advocating an independent kashmir. PANDIT NEHRU KASHMIR CRISES People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru July 6, 1951 When, after the transfer of power, the Maharaja of Kashmir refrained from accession to either Dominion, his progress towards a viable independence was closely watched (and possibly encouraged) by these same Sikh rulers. NEHRU - SHEIKH When he began to experience increasing difficulty in resisting the Azad Kashmir movement among his subjects, the Maharaja of Patiala lent him units of his own State Army. The evidence is strong that these Patiala troops entered the State of Kashmir some days before the combined Azad Kashmiri-Pathan operation along the Jhelum Valley of 21-22 October 1947 which marks the formal beginning of the great Kashmir crises. [Alastair Lamb Incomplete Partition p.91] Over one million trigger happy armed men in uniform, who do not understand the language, culture, religion, ethos and behaviour, pounce on local population with vengeance and a mindset to eliminate the populace to occupy this rich paradise belonging to the poor inhabitants. It is amazing to find the GOOD PEOPLE of the world turning a blind eye to these atrocities committed with impunity. UN can see what happens in Syria but when it comes to Kashmir they look the other way and one wonders why? The longstanding US position on Kashmir is that the whole of the former princely state is disputed territory. The whole issue must be resolved through negotiations between India and Pakistan, taking into account the wishes of the Kashmiri people,
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 08:50:28 +0000

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