OF HIGHEST IMPORTANCE: WE NEED TOO GET RID OF ALL THE OIL AND GAS COMPANIES AND SWITCH TO ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY FUELS BEFORE WE ARE ALL KILLED. We do this by getting all the people who has stocks and shares in oil/gas/tar sands industries to take them out and switch into SAFE ENVIRONMENT FUELLING FOR THE PLANET; PRO-LIFE, NOT IMMINENT DEATH EVERYONE. NO ONE LOOSES MONEY. IN FACT THEY ALL GAIN MORE THAN THEY HAVE. PLUS THEY WILL ALL GET TO LIVE TO ENJOY LIFE AND SO WILL WE. Let those evil killer oil/gas/tar sands mongers go to hell so we can save our planet. They are killing us and the wildlife from sky to sea. They are destroying our planet with all the emissions emitted from the oils and gases they produce, not to mention our pocket books. We have to pay big money for them to kill us. This does not have to be this way now that we have a healthy way. I would go to jail for 100 lifetimes or more if I did to you what they; the oil/gas/tar sands people are doing to you and your family. They are making all of us sick to death. The people of this planet order you to take your money out of oil and gas to save our lives, all the bad climate changes is because of this. Toxic cancer causing emissions have opened up holes in our atmosphere that is causing catastrophic climactic changes throughout our planet and it won’t stop until they are stopped or it will murder all of mankind. We must put our money into healthy environmentally ways to heat and light up our homes and industries and drive our vehicles. We have the solutions the only hold up and major problem is the people who are not taking all of their money out of the oil, gas and tar sands industries. You will be a hero. You will save us and our planet from total destruction. And when you put your money into stocks and shares related to the environment now, you will be very rich beyond your wildest dreams and you will get to live to enjoy it. THERE IS NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS ABOUT IT. THIS IS REAL IT IS VERY REAL. YOU HAVEN’T FELT FEAR UNTIL IT COMES RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR WITH A WAVE HIGHER THAN THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING AND AN EARTH ERUPTION BELOW YOUR FEET TOWERING AS HIGH AS A MOUNTAIN AT YOUR FRONT DOOR. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN VERY SOON TOO ALL OF US. IT IS HAPPENING NOW! AND IT’S GETTING CLOSER AND CLOSER TO YOU. EVVERYDAY THE NEWS IS TELLING YOU THIS. SHOWING YOU EVERYWHERE THIS IS HAPPENING. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO SAVE YOURSELF FROM CATASTROPHE? NOTHING? DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? WHERE EVER THERE IS WATER THERE IS A WAVE THAT SIZE THAT IS GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. THE EARTH WILL CRACK DUE TO THE DISRUPTION OF THE MAGNETIC PULL BETWEEN THE SUN AND THE EARTHS CORE IS CAUSING LAYERS OF MASSIVE LAND TO SHIFT IN OUR EARTHS CORE THAT IS COMING TO THE SURFACE AND WILL CAUSE THE EARTH TO HEAVE UP. THAT’S HOW MOUNTAINS WERE FORMED. WE ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH. ARE YOU READY TO DIE NOW? IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY IF YOU ACT NOW. YOU WILL BE VERY, VERY SORRY IF YOU DON’T. YOU WILL SEE YOUR CHILDREN AND ALL THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE DIE HORRIFICALLY AND NEEDLESSLY BEFORE YOUR EYES! THE OIL/GAS/TAR SANDS SHARE HOLDERS NEED TO BE DESTROYED BY AT LEAST 80% TO SAVE THE PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET, OUR HOME. DO AS I SAY AND TELL EVERYONE TO BOYCOTT AGAINST THE USE OF OIL/GAS/TAR SANDS. WHAT IS A HOME WITHOUT PEOPLE? THE APOCALPSE IS ALMOST HERE. ANOTHER YEAR OR TWO LETTING THOSE OIL/GAS/TAR SANDS PEOPLE CONTINUE AND WE WILL ALL BE DEAD INCLUDING THEM, THAT’S HOW GREEDY THEY ARE. THEY HAVE NO COMMON SENSE LEFT IN THEM. SO WE HAVE TO STOP THEM BECAUSE THEY WONT STOP THEMSELVES. IT WILL ALL BE OUR FAULT FOR LETTING THEM KILL US IF WE DON’T ACT. I WOULD THROW THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM IN JAIL FOR LIFE TO SAVE US AND OUR PLANET. WHY HAS THIS GONE ON FOR SO LONG UNATTENDED? THEY ARE BUYING EVERYONE OFF THAT’S WHY. IT HAS TO STOP NOW! IT MAY BE TOO LATE BUT IF WE DONT TRY, WE WILL DIE. YOU WILL DIE. YOUR FAMILY WILL DIE. YOUR FRIENDS WILL DIE. YOU SHOULD BE SCARED, TERRIFIED. AND YOU SHOULD BE WRITING TO YOUR GOVERNMENT TO COMPLAIN, OVER AND OVER UNTIL THERE IS MUCH IMPROVEMENT TO DESTROY THOSE; OIL/GAS/TAR SANDS MURDERERS OF ALL LIFE. THEIR GREED IS GOING TO KILL ALL OF US. If we make that change our health will return, cancer will be at a bare minimum but better once we straighten out the food chain after we move our money completely out of oil and gas and move it into windmills, grain fuel driven vehicles. Most of us have watched VP Gores documentary, he said it is too late. It is if we dont act now, today! GET RICH ON LIFE. I DON’T WANT TO DIE IN A COUPLE YEARS DO YOU? We the people of the world want everyone to transfer their stocks/bonds/shares out of oil/gas/tar sands worldwide before this year ends. We will then embark on a beautiful, brand new heavenly life on earth! A brand new world the kind we could only dream about, never mind a new year otherwise we ARE ALL DEAD. What good will your oil and gas stocks and shares do you then? The earth will recover when were all gone. But is that what we want? Only you people around the world who own stocks and shares can save us from death. It is up to you and only you to save the people of this planet. Only you can do that. Noone else. Look at the Phillipines and everywhere else. Climatic destruction is coming to your door that is a promise in less than a year we could all be dead because of your greed. TAKE ALL OF YOUR OIL, GAS, TAR SANDS STOCKS AND SHARES ALL OUT TODAY AND MAKE THOSE CORPORATIONS DROP DEAD. NOT ALL OF US. THEN MOVE ALL OF YOUR MONEY INTO THE ENVIRONMENT, INTO LIFE. GET RICH ON LIFE NOT THE DEATH OF US ALL. WE STILL HAVE SO MUCH LIFE TO LIVE ITS UP TO YOU TO SAVE US. ANYONE WHO HANGS ON TO THOSE STOCKS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MURDERING ALL OF US! IF YOU WORK IN THIS INDUSTRY GET THE HELL OUT OF IT AND SWITCH FAST TO THE ENVIRONMENT. LIVE BETTER, BREATHE BETTER, STOP CANCER FROM KILLING US. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THIS IS A CHAIN LETTER AND SHOULD CIRCULATE AROUND WORLD QUICKLY TO GET EVERYONE’S PARTICIPATION. SEND THIS LETTER TO AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND SO ON. YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING. WE WILL SAVE OUR LIVES. ACT NOW! TODAY! NOT TOMORROW!!! TOMORROW IS TOO LATE!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:36:59 +0000

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