OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, SLANDER AND DISCLAIMER Attention WE ARE NOT Titan the Robot We Are Better: We make Big Titan “Size Robots since 1974. We consistently build and upgrade new KING ROBOTA Robots to ensure that we do not have the same, repetitive look or figures, unlike other robot makers. SHARE THIS, SHARE THIS KING ROBOTA ROBOT DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER: Be very wary and cautious. Other robot makers will try to sell you the exact same robot features and images that they have exhausted while coming to an end of the warn out, repetitive shows worldwide. There is no “fresh” or wow factors” in these other robot images. KING ROBOTA, on the other hand, always give you something customized and fresh; so that, your robot will carry a unique image. You can control, own, and do whatever you like with your robot. We do not develop a show that will tell you what to do with your robot show. The consistency of our KING ROBOTA Robots makes it obvious that we do not need to imitate or portray ourselves as being other robots. We do not imitate or act as other robots. We promote facts and figures that we are by far better than them. KING ROBOTA Robots are measured 8-10 feet; while, other robots lie. Their robots are the height of a person, 6-7 feet. We build big robots, the world’s biggest and best robot. We always use words that go with Big Size, such as huge, massive, giant, titan, large, and titanic. These words are free for all to use on the Internet. As long as you don’t call your robot these names, you won’t hear the pouting from all of the puppeteer robots. Although the other robots have submitted a slandering letter using the name of our KING ROBOTA Robot company, making assumptions about our company practices. These will be addressed as defamation of character and slander. We promote that we are better than other robots, but never do we utilize their name in slandering or emailing artificial business practices of their social network or company history. KING ROBOTA make all of our robots from the ground up, in The USA only, since 1974. CAUTION: Others have China and Hong Kong make puppet robots to sell to you for BIG money while they pretend they made them. We make 8-10 foot tall Robots since 1974. Once again, be VERY VERY cautious of imitators trying to blind you with words from the real truth of long-lasting and durable robots. Do not be fooled by robots saying the do many shows. That does not make them the best. It literally means that the client did not have the time to search the net for the best offer for their budget. What this means is KING ROBOTA does not need to travel worldwide. Why pay for an old robot to travel all the way to your country when you could use that money to buy and own a New and upgraded robot that you could utilize year round past your event? The other robots do not want you to know that KING ROBOTA can sell you a better NEW robot, instead of booking an OLD dated robot for more money that everyone has had at there event. KING ROBOTA is like an auto manufacturer. We build new models every year; so that, we give our clients a more hi-tech, advanced, and modern technology robot show. As you know, others repeat the same show, with multiple robots, for many years. This is why they have a very low following, which does not match the countless shows that they brag about worldwide, while also being on the Internet for many years. Do the math. Do your research. See the new KING ROBOTA video here . It will show you the thing they are desperately trying to keep you from seeing. DISCLAIMER/CAUTION: Don’t be misled. They say theyre 8 feet tall. Always look at the audience. Their robots are somewhat the same height as a person standing next to them. This clearly shows that their robots are NOT 8 feet. This is another way that they falsely advertise to gain profits off of the KING ROBOTA image. Their robots are only 6- 7 feet tall with complete hand puppetry and only motorized head, mouth movements, utilizing poor materials while charging you big money for basic LED eye lights that you could make yourself. As seen on this video here, KING ROBOTA has complete animatronic eyes that blink, pan, and tilt, with other mechanical gears and real life auto parts and lighting manufacturing systems. We promote the facts. We are the first and most advanced robot LIVE show, since 1974. We are, by far, better than the other robots and are the pioneers who have inspired many robot shows worldwide to start their own robot shows in UK China Russia, China, Tiawan and many more. Our Owners are going to TOTALLY answer the robot puppets for slandering our hi-tech KING ROBOTA Robots company. If you have any letter or information leading us to the collection of many slandering letters of KING ROBOTA Robots please, email them to KingRobota@Yahoo. We have a video of KING ROBOTA Robots on Youtube of ANY CLIENT company logo on our webpage. ANY and All of our clients, since 1974, on the KING ROBOTA website is OFFICIAL, WITH REAL VIDEO AND PAPERWORK. We will treat any false slander of our robot company as a serious offense. KING ROBOTA CLIENTS & SOCIAL NETWORKS: We have appeared on many TV spots and at major company events for OVER 30 + years, which has generated a HUGE following on Facebook and other social networks. KING ROBOTA is the other robot’s BIGGEST fear and their most effective competitor. We are running them out of business, and they are getting desperate. We have effectively forced them with our KING ROBOTA promotion techniques to now sale robots; because, they see the the end of their show has ran its course. They have also began to copy our concept of electronic images, such as our old KING ROBOTA red eyes, tablet on the chest, and the hydraulic props that they now have on their chest. As we are on schedule, these are the many things that assure us that we have cornered them into a desperate position to not only sale but start slandering our robots. I would be cautious in buying a Puppet robot instead of an advanced, heavy duty KING ROBOTA new robot. When they play out, you will not be a part of the down fall of their worldwide, dated show. Their robot only moves the head. Look at all of their videos. Nothing about their robot is robotic when only one arm and only the head moves. There isn’t any other mechanical or robotic gadgets on their robots. They charge you big money and sale you a puppet. KING ROBOTA speaks LIVE with on the spot information. The other robots use pre-recorded sound bites and repetitive voice overs, which can become boring. They will tell you they won’t put any electronics on your robot., while only selling you a basic puppet costume. After you see this video, you will see that we make a variety of different robots. KING ROBOTA is made from heavy duty materials and high tech electronics, making it extremely difficult to make and design. Nevertheless, others robots are very basic and easy to make. We will post a video soon of how to make your own. We will show you all the parts and elements of how to make a Titan “Sized Robot coming soon on video and photo. It will include Digistelts, bikes, blue point engineering, robot shop, big two-way bike windshield mirror to see out, swivel for the hands, wearable motion system kit, Puppetry Board 4-Ch Switch and / Potentionmoter Srevo-Realay Controller, Wearable MP3 Remote Switch Board, LED, and many more things to NOT Buy a Titan “ Sized Robot and how to make your own. Ending, we will beat any other robot price or competitor, worldwide. If any other robot offers to sell you a robot, we will beat their price. All we will need is their paperwork, showing their price and the stipulations involved. We will build you a different looking, more advanced, lower priced better robot. Be weary of the other robots which have reached their peak or are dated, claims they are the first, and they do many countries (about 200 shows a year). If the other robots have been on the Internet for years and they are doing hundreds of shows a year with only 42,000 Facebook likes and only 6,000 Twitter followers, that shows people have seen their same repetitive show over and over. This means they have reached their level of excitement, and people have no interest in following them in mass numbers on their social networks. Because they can’t keep up with our robot followers and promotions, they call our followers fake. They are still in shock and have a silent worry. We give credit were it is due. What this means is, they do a few good shows once evey few years, but for the most part is all street and play shows. KING ROBOTA has worked with multi- billion dollar corporations, such as auto manufacturers, Dell, Intel, DigiKey, CES, movie premiers, America’s Got Talent, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and many more. We have proof of all events. They say other companies can’t do what they do. . . NOT TRUE. We can do far more. They are very limited with puppet parts and are not robotic. They do the same show with the same looking robot over and over. . . nothing special. They ride around on a basic senior citizen’s scooter, and the only motors are their robots head. If you look at any of their videos, you will notice that only their right arm moves fluently. The right arm and hand are the only things that move while pulling and bouncing the puppet strings of the left arm. There are no other mechanical motors; because it is only puppetry made out of temporary hi maintenance materials, not the heavy duty materials and electronics of KING ROBOTA Robots. Look at their videos. The other companies chase down celebrities like groupies to get a picture with them to act as if the celebrity hired them. KING ROBOTA is known as The Megastar of entertainment. Therefore, throughout the many years of being back stage and on set with many celebrities, professionally, we do not ask for autographs and photos, like groupies. If you have been in the entertainment business, as long as our robots have, you will quickly realize that celebrities do not like to be chanced down for autographs and photos. Throughout many years, since 1974, we have obviously changed the image of our humble beginnings. We have taken many pictures with celebrities. Out of courtesy to our clients and to provide a fact for other robots slandering our company, we will provide a video of our robots from 1974 until now. In the video, you will clearly see that KING ROBOTA not only started in 1974, but we were not dancing in night clubs. We were doing professional shows with celebrity TV and utilizing our robots to be the first walking, singing, and dancing robot (all on video). Ending, the other robot puppets have Falsely advertised that they are the best, the first, and that KING ROBOTA started our robots when we saw them. We connected with their false advertisement on the Internet. We saw the claims that they were the best, top, and first as they came onto our site, disrespecting our robots, and sending slanderous letters to interested KING ROBOTA robot clients. They are also slandering our company by saying that KING ROBOTA has only been around for 4 years. If that was the case, how are we on video performing in the 70’s as a robot on the New York TV Show, ShowTime At The Apollo? Although, we don’t like to show our old model robots, we will be hosting a video soon from 1974 until now to show more accurate proof to the public, our clients, and the slanderers of the history of our robot company. How can one of our robots be on a 70’s Hollywood TV show Soul Train? If thats not enough, if KING ROBOTA only started 4 years ago, how could he be on another major Hollywood TV show Americas Got Talent with our robot band and KING ROBOTA? The fact is, they are really desperate and are trying to deter you from buying our robots which are tough, durable, and has extreme robotic features, not the puppetry they offer. They will sale you very poor materials and a puppet, not a robot. Their robot has obviously lost its WOW factor and they are trying to push there last days on you, as they are slowly going out of business. They not only have a short time left, as we are now in many countries and growing at a fest pace. We will post a complete old to new video to show who was first and show you they copied and got there robot idea from KING ROBOTA They will fall under slander when we show that al KING ROBOTA twitter followers are 100% genuine. That our most biggest proof we have of them slandering our robot company, beside the countless real clients on our website. All KING ROBOTA Social Network on twitter followers are genuine. We have many different robots, since 1974. We also have videos on Youtube with millions of views along with our extreme promotion to like us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We do not buy any likes or followers on any network. We now have a full letter of proof and many other slandering statements made by these artificial puppet clown bots. They opened up the door. Watch how we close it. PLEASE STAND BY.... You are going to see Some Serious Clashing of the Titans and Real Steel. We will reply and expose these repetitive, artificial robot puppets. We will show you how their robots are made and the poor quality of materials used to make your own motor bike, puppet digistilts, and blue point engineering robot. It will be an unbearable promotion and advertising campaign. WE WILL SHUT THEM UP FOR GOOD. bewera of the string puppetry imitating to have robot parts. they say there a robot but ply the neck of there robot is motorized or mechanical. the rest of there robot is obasik string pupety. Te arms ar on swing and swivel puppet holders. Thank you. _________________________ KING ROBOTA Headquarters, USA +1 615-707-3323
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:24:44 +0000

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