OH-OH!!! That crazy, dirty smelly looking dude v. Judge Jeanine - TopicsExpress


OH-OH!!! That crazy, dirty smelly looking dude v. Judge Jeanine Pirro!!! Before you JUDGE... To my friends, acquaintances and strangers - whether on the Right or the Left - THIS is motivating me! If the motive is just and proper in the minds and hearts of others, then guess what? Once in awhile work with proper motivation produces great results! How do good results come about? Teamwork. Explaining the motivation behind your efforts, and by asking others to check us for our motivation, even complete strangers will often provide some of the best suggestions or criticisms so long as the motivation is good. Basic differences between motivation and manipulation are these: Motivation = I win; YOU WIN! Manipulation = I win; YOU LOSE... Every good journalist will tell you: Youll NEVER GET 100% agreement. Of course not; especially when FEAR or MONEY is involved, or when we are supposed to please people. So when it comes to terrorists heading our way; or they are HERE; or whether Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii; whether Israel had anything to do with 9/11: Anything controversial is certain to be labeled or argued as having an agenda or its just a conspiracy theory; and perhaps you will be accused of being anti-Semitic; a racist - you name it - and someone or some group always has a label for it whether using one word or phrase - Speak to the Hand! I dont want to hear it! Well, it is my opinion that FEAR is a driving force beyond a doubt. And FEAR SELLS! Is there some middle ground, or are we going to LABEL this five minute clip and just HOLD ON TIGHT to our positions? High School and College students would weigh in on this one! Why? There is no middle ground and R/T subtly lets the different stereotypes we might inflict - for in our minds we see the dirtbag leftist sitting in his dumpy Flat in the U.K. v. the clear minded. patriotic American female Judge of Italian descent and if Judge Pirro is your gal, then listen to her declare war with ..its time to BOMB, and BOMB, and BOMB them until.... Until what? Until we have no more FEAR? British comedian Russell Brand sharply condemned Fox News Jeanine Pirro in an online video titled Is Fox News More Dangerous Than ISIS? Criticizing Pirros monologue in which she labels Iran as the devil while calling for the bombing of Iraq, Brand piece-by-piece dissects the Fox News segment and concludes Pirros language is more volatile and dangerous than the jihadist group ISIS. RTs Manila Chan takes a look.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:37:05 +0000

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