OK... All of my FB friends… listen up! I BADLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT - TopicsExpress


OK... All of my FB friends… listen up! I BADLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SAY! I am a conservative guy who tends to lean towards libertarianism. I’m disgusted with my Republican Party right now, but not for the reasons I hear most people complaining about. This health care debate is the biggest and most perfect opportunity the Republican Party has had since Jimmy Carter messed everything up. Speaking of Jimmy Carter, he’s breathing a sigh of relief because he won’t have to go to his grave knowing he was the worst ever president. King Obama’s presidency is now the worst in the history of our country. We are all scared. Even his supporters know that he’s gone too far. Obamacare has lost much support because it’s just horrendously bad law. We had to pass it to find out what’s in it. Now we know. It will cost us a fortune. It will limit health care, it will drive up the cost of health care, drive doctors out of the medical field, and be giant drag on our economy for as long as it’s allowed to remain in force. So what does’ the Republican Party do? It starts a war between different factions of its own supporters. I understand those that say we should be pragmatic and try to hold on to the house and live to fight another day. I will not ridicule candidates who believe that or their supporters. I also understand those that say it’s time the Republican Party stands up and fights back. Those that say “It’s exceptionally stupid to start a fight you know you’re going to lose” have a point. Those that say if you don’t stand against what we all know is going to hurt millions of people, then what use are you to anybody? So I say pick a different fight. The majority of Americans have turned against Obamacare. Powerful and important leaders in the Democrats ranks have come out against its implementation. People are losing their jobs or being forced to go part time over this. People are going to lose their health care insurance. Even if implemented, millions will still go uninsured. The Democrats aren’t even sure they can make the system work. They’ve involved an organization nobody likes, the IRS, in our health care. Simply put… nice try, thanks for your good intentions but you blew it. Now let us have a try at it. So now is the time for a true conservative leader to come forward and champion the conservative approach to fixing the way we pay for health care in this country. Don’t just be a Senator or member of the house who whines about the idiots on the other side. Offer a solution in place of this bad public policy and sing it from the highest hill. Don’t simply vote to not fund their stupid idea… produce the conservative legislation that is an alternative to what you believe will destroy us. Make the fight about what the best fix is, not just about standing in the way of their idea. This is all being set up as a big train wreck for Republicans when really, if they’d take the right approach it could be the Republicans finest hour. When Obamacare was being debated and the Republicans were trying to defeat it I was screaming don’t just bad mouth their idea, give us an alternative. Make it simple, explain it in simple terms, demonstrate why it will be effective, and sell it day in and day out. I support those who would vote to defund Obamacare, as long as they offer conservative legislation that will solve the issue we have with how to pay for the greatest health care on the planet. If all the Republican office holders or candidates do is stand in the way of the other sides’ bad idea, democrats will hold majorities in Congress and own the presidency for the next generation.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 02:38:04 +0000

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