OK HERE IS THE STORY FOLKS! I went to a friends and he and i were - TopicsExpress


OK HERE IS THE STORY FOLKS! I went to a friends and he and i were going to a New Years Eve Party. So when i stepped out of the vehicle at his house I turned my ankle on something and fell on the concrete driveway, well then my vertigo kicked in when I tried to get up and I fell back down off the concrete drive and into the neighbors yard. At this point I kinda blacked for a few seconds, i dont remember hitting the ground on the second tumble but came too on the ground beside the concrete drive. So I crawled on my knees to the Van and got up by holding onto the side of the van, I finally made it to the door and had a chuckle thinking boy if any of his neighbors were looking out they probably think a drunk lady out there rolling around on the ground. Knoced on friends door, he comes to the door , i tell him what happened, he iced my foot and suggested we not go to the party but, those that know me know i have had one thing after another going on lately and having to stay in so I said no i want to go to the party. ( now mind you I am not a drinker, maybe a glass of wine or if I drink a mixed drink 2 would be my limit, i just dont drink . SO NO I HAD NOT BEEN DRINKING LOL) So he gathers up this delicious smoked bbq pork and chops he and we leave to go the party, Well yep you guessed it, I fell walking out to his truck to go to the party. So the ground whipped me 3 times on New Years Eve. We did go to the party, needless to say I didnt do any boot scooting LOL of course no one else did either but I was physically unable LOL. So Thursday I stayed home and iced my ankle and kept my foot elevated. Thought I was good enough to go to work today. Got to work, my ankle started swelling and throbbing, I have a strong tolerance for pain cause I live with it daily with fibromyalgia and back issues. But I couldnt take this pain in my ankle and leg today, then I noticed blurred vision and headache, I didnt share all this with my coworkers and held my tears till i got to the van so that is the reason for the surprise to all you dear co workers. I can tolerate a lot of pain but this was kicking my butt. Needless to say I have a slight concussion, an issue with my left shoulder that might be rotator cuff but we are going to watch it, and then the badly bruised and sprained left ankle. I also have two bruised and sore knees and bruised and swollen elbows, xrays and ct was done and no broken bones and no brsain bleed which the doc suspected due to the blurred vision and nausea and headache. So doc suscribed zofran for nausea, flexril muscle relaxer for strained tendons in my neck and ultram for pain. I have a sling for my left arm to take pressure off shoulder, a ace bandage wrapped from my toes to my knee on my left leg, my leg is too swollen for air cast but when the swelling goes down i have air cast to wear. And that is about it...... Thats my story and I am sticking to it. LOL But we did have a good time, nice food and good visit. Jim said he would call me a weeble but but I do fall down. He also said it was so windy that the ground jumped up and grabbed me. He is full of em...But bottom like is I will be ok, just bruised and banged up it appears. Love you all and thanks for the concern and offers to help.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:09:26 +0000

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