OK, I get the irony. ISIS is not Islamic. Hahahaha. But, though - TopicsExpress


OK, I get the irony. ISIS is not Islamic. Hahahaha. But, though I did not watch the speech, I get the assertion: unless we close our eyes completely, we will have to recognize that ISIS represents a particularly virulent, unfiltered form of Salafi Islam that is NOT representative of the entirety of the spectrum of Islamic belief. The fact that numerous organizations, scholars, groups, Imams, etc., have condemned ISIS cannot be swept under the rug. The fact that this condemnation could be costly for these individuals and groups is likewise relevant for multiple reasons; first, that those risking the condemnation should be applauded for doing so; second, that it says a LOT that there are so many Muslims who, while not wishing to risk their lives joining in ISIS-like mayhem and murder, still support the general idea of ISIS and its militancy. I have often noted that my moderate friends would not be welcome in any nation where Islam becomes predominant, and that they only have the freedoms they do in lands not under Islamic control. Its a spiritual issue, folks: Islam cannot change the heart, cannot reign in the evil of man, and in the case of ISIS, only unleashes that evil under the guise of jihad. But the point here is that there are Muslims who have been brave enough to say ISIS is not Islamic, that is, that it is fundamentally opposed to Islamic principles. ISIS disagrees, obviously, and clearly, ISIS chosen form of debate is with an automatic weapon, not with the mind. No one will ever accuse ISIS of intellectualism. These are, in the main, brute beasts, and there is no debating them, there is no reasoning with them, sadly. But Obama was simply echoing the sentiments of the best Islam has to offer; best in the sense of those who actually engage thoughtfully with other world views and recognize the impact of history and development upon their own theology and practice. I know it makes for an easy shot at Obama---sort of like the photoshopped contrasts of him in some limp-wristed pose contrasted with Putin with his chest enlarged 20%---but it likewise does not move the conversation forward or accomplish any meaningful goal.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:05:55 +0000

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