OK LETS DO THIS DAY ONE GRATITUDE CHALLENGE I was nominated by - TopicsExpress


OK LETS DO THIS DAY ONE GRATITUDE CHALLENGE I was nominated by one Ms. Lusungu Kalanga for the gratitude challenge then I snoozed, I have just gotten a second nomination by Brendah Nana Kabesa I know if I dont do it, I will get a third and forth hence let us do this today....no procrastination Miss Agara! 1) I am grateful for the existence of a deity because without him I am not sure I would have anything or anyplace to be grateful for. That I can cast my burdens my worries and my celebrations to God is a precious gift. Sometimes even my responsibility for some good and many bad deeds, it is a rare gift. Thank You God 2) I am grateful for my family. Those of you who have met my family will know how fabulous we are, beginning with the Most senior polite but roaring Mr. Agara fun loving disciplinarian intelligent tall light and handsome (well age is stealing some of it) (Dont ask me why I am dark) he is our Father and the husband to our Precious Dear Momma Teacher Jane Orega Disciplinarian*2, tall, dark and beautiful, brown eyed woman of distinction, Kenyas future is assured because some Kenyans passed through her molding hands in their childhood, I love her more than you will ever know and thank God everyday and each time I think of her especially for her strength! My two beautiful Sisters Doreen Orega and Janet Orega they are the most sobering people to have in life, definitely the kind of sisters a cantankerous girl like me needs.They are both intelligent,grounded and God favoured them with beauty galore both surface and skin deep. I love them to bits. My handsome brothers Leo Valentine Orega and George Orega Regz, the men who have taught me what a man should be in a womans life; this towering, protective, intelligent, industrious, hilarious, fun loving and easy to be around men- they make me proud of the good work my dear momma has done on them, Ive told her as much! Lets not forget Tom and Edwina our two substitutes they are the drama we need in this life to keep us gasping! This family I will be grateful for every single day. God chose well for me. 3) I am grateful for who I am. God chose to create a tall (as the Amazon forest), dark, amazingly stunning woman out of me. He has empowered me with brains that awe the many I interact with, he has given me a zeal and grace that only I can carry over my shoulders. God made me bold, fearless and outgoing. A lover of life, fervent consumer of gen and the most fun loving creature of the entire Agara family (I have competition but no one has carried out an empirical study so my judgement stands). In all my JackBauer nature he still made me kind, caring and compassionate. I am a rare combination (and no I dont need your compliment for now) I know I am very rare and for this I wake up each day and say thank you, thank you, thank you Lord. Today I nominate girls who are not my biological sisters but are the links on sections of the chain of my life @ Eva Awino @Dorothy Atieno the one who wont see this, Caren Wakoli Wanjiru Waichigo Njogu, Wanjugu Magdalene who wont see this and Esther Wangui for the gratitude challenge. Im sorry @Lusungu you nominated me so your chance is gone!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:00:47 +0000

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