OK! RANT #2 - Global Warming/Climate Change or whatever the heck - TopicsExpress


OK! RANT #2 - Global Warming/Climate Change or whatever the heck you want to call it... This comes from a cyber beatdown I just took from a liberal who wanted me to know that I am stupid. Since I am a Global Warming denier (love that) I am stupid, I am ignoring SETTLED SCIENCE and I apparently lack the ability to think rationally. Right...ok...lets take a look at the settled science shall we? First of all, lets deal with the claim that 97% of the scientists presented with the evidence of Global Warming concurred with the findings. The claim is patently false, Im going to go as far as to say it was a lie that was put out to give credibility where none was due. Forbes magazine took the step of interviewing the scientists that were listed as being in agreement and found that many of them were NOT in favor, even though they were reported to be. In fact, the split was almost an even 50/50. Thats hardly settled science. The other thing the MSM and liberal blogs dont tell you is that many of the scientists were not only in disagreement of the findings but STRONG or VEHEMENT disagreement. What the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) panel did, was put anyone who agreed that a warming was occuring as being in agreement that Anthropological (Man made) Global Warming was real, even if they didnt agree that the warming was man made. It was a misrepresentation and a lie that should have put the integrity of the whole study in doubt, but it didnt. Then there is Climategate. In November of 2009 the computers of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia were hacked. Thousands of emails were pulled out and they revealed a pattern of data manipulation, misrepresentation, and flat out conspiracy to advance the agenda when they knew it wasnt real. The facts are in the communications, paper doesnt lie. So why, if it isnt real, are they continuing to push the agenda. Money and power my friends. Money and power. The scientists who have made their living as GW Alarmists dont want to lose their livelihood so they continue to push the agenda. Even though NONE of the predictions they made have come to pass, they make new ones or just keep regurgitating the old ones. The governments see an incredible opportunity to seize power. What better way to control the people than with the environment as the reason for the control. You dont want to DIE do you!? It works every time. So why do so many people still believe it? One word. Fear. The idea of the world coming to a catastrophic end that was our responsibility is too much for just about anyone to bear. We put faith in our scientists. The problem is we can never put blind faith into any mortal man. It just doesnt turn out well. So we have loads of people ignoring the evidence that the scientists were wrong. We have loads of people that continue to give the scientists who blew it so badly continued credibility where is is not deserved. They tell me Im the one that is not thinking. I submit the opposite is true. It is BECAUSE I am a thinker that I am a skeptic. Not the other way around. So why do I care so much? One of my liberal friends asked me why I was so against taking measures to clean up the environment. Even if they are wrong, whats the harm in doing what we need to do to clean up the air and water? Well, the problem is were not doing that. CO2 is not a pollutant, I dont care if the EPA says it is. While too much of ANYTHING is a bad thing, were no where even close to having so much CO2 that it is a pollutant. So the very premise that reducing CO2 levels helps the environment is one that I just dont accept. Of course to make it sound bad, they just use the first word Carbon. I care so much because were doing more harm than good in the name of reducing carbon emissions. Were tanking our economy with higher energy costs while coal burning power plants, which provide us with 60% of our electricity are being regulated into oblivion. Oil companies are under attack which raises gas prices. I am all for alternative energy but it has to make sense. The technology has to be allowed to be developed without being rushed. We are now finding out that a hybrid vehicle leaves as large of a carbon footprint as a traditional vehicle does when you take into account production of the car and disposal of the batteries. I could go on but I think you get the point. Doing the things we are doing on the back of a hoax is not going to turn out well and by the time the right people realize that OR admit that, it will probably be too late.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:38:55 +0000

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