OK So .. I spent the whole day at Hanna vet.. seeing her vet and a - TopicsExpress


OK So .. I spent the whole day at Hanna vet.. seeing her vet and a top Neurogolist for Dogs… it is definitly Seizures.. wow so much to process! there are basically 3 reasons for Seizures… 1. Structural Brain activity- Tumors- brain disorders etc. 2. Metabolic disorders- Liver-kidney disease -Low blood sugar- high blood pressure etc. 3. Epilepsy-- Born with.. late age onset. etc…… He narrowed to Epilepsy… Late age Onset or Brain activity(tumor etc) Her blood sugars all came back good plus no signs of that…so Somehting in her right side of brain is effect left side of body during seizure ;( thank god her 3 seizures so far havent last more than few minutes and only left paw and foot stuck up. not whole body.. and she doesnt have other neurological signs showing as of yet.. .. the choice is to do an Mri.. which is Very expensive because it is General Anesthesa and spinal Tap .. about 2500.. But more is its dangerous for Me MG dogs to have general.. can aspirate.. and make Mg worse etc… so we have chose for now.. to wait and watch.. if she has another which he thinks most likely…. usually at night which these were.. then we will start her on medicine.. the Phenobarbitryl… there 5 different meds but this is the most effective but the side effects can be liver damage and liver failure.. so its scary… he said its not true about what I have been told how you can never get off that medicine.. regardless. My fear now is how do I know Hanna isnt having seizures when Im not home or watching…. so I just have to pray right now. she is ok.. and these stay small and calm.. I told him all the wonderful help I have gotten here… he agree with lot and some not….. so.. right now.. just have paws crossed for her..
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:14:43 +0000

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