OK YALL. PLZ. PLZ. STOP THIS ASSHATTERY. THIS IS NOT OK. THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY, VERY VIOLENT. I had originally posted this as a response, but this needs its own post cuz IT HAS TO STOP NOW. This is so important. At the protests, I saw so many Black and Brown lives matter or Justice for Mike Brown, Justice for Palestine, Justice for Africa. PLEASE DO NOT DERAIL THE CONVERSATION AND DILUTE IT...police brutality and racial profiling affects many POC communities but this specific black lives matter is specific to a certain movement/ppl/Mike Brown/ Travoyn Martin/ ect and by broadening it to black and brown to all lives matter to justice for every injustice is taking away from raising consciousness about what is actually happening in Ferguson (oak/nyc/every inner city basically) and what an entire community goes through. - Faizah Barlas And even then, lets recognize that OUT OF ALL POC BLACK FOLX ARE DISPROPORTIONATELY AFFECTED BY POLICE AND STATE VIOLENCE. OUT OF ALL POC. POLICE AND STATE VIOLENCE ARE ALSO SPECIFICALLY A BLACK ISSUE. Also please folx, stop with the posts and pictures like Ayotzinapa & Palestina & Ferguson & Mi Barrio & Tu Barrio (Im lookin at you, Chicanx and my Latinx folx. Stop that. Like asap plz.) This only dilutes our different efforts against injustices and horrors and ignores the horizontal oppression and power and privileges that our non-black communities hold over one another. Palestine is not Ayotzinapa is not Ferguson is not my barrio and is not your barrio. Each of them have their own particular and specific hxstories and to conflate them does a great violence to all the different oppressed folx clustered into these memetic images and phrases.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:09:25 +0000

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