OK, my response to you who were so kind when I felt like the only - TopicsExpress


OK, my response to you who were so kind when I felt like the only person in the world yesterday. Truly. I had written and said I would be writing more today after my walk with a friend and my morning cup of Sumatra coffee. Yesterday we had our Halloween Party here on our campus...all the old folks...three buildings, 300 people in each. Only a small portion of those seniors show up and I have learned just why that is. We have a couple of sour pusses who want to run the whole show. I butted heads with one. Unless you know what you are doing and can convince me, dont butt heads with me if I am in charge of something. I dont say that to brag, it is a matter of leadership. This one woman had taken it upon herself to do crafts. No one in the other two buildings would allow her to interject her stuff in their schedules so at the last minute she calls me the night before the party. She tells me she is going to do thus and so. I guess she thought it would work. I listened to her and told her in the kindest way I knew how, no. She did not hear my no. I made it a little more clear to her and more firm. I let her know there was only time for the craft we had planned at the meeting. There was no time for extras. Thank the Lord I held my ground because it turned out perfectly the way it went. She tried to bully me into allowing her into my two-hour space and it would not have worked at all anyway. As it was, we used the whole two hours on the craft we did. The Manager of the three buildings told me this woman called her and told her I was rude to her, which I know I wasnt. Further, the manager told me she had called others and told them the same thing. More happened but it isnt important to relate. It is like me to hate these type altercations. When they come I face them and work at dealing with others kindly but firmly. This one was very difficult on me emotionally for some reason. I had an anxiety attack. Took the medication my doc had prescribed (which I never take unless I need it). So what you all were seeing is what I felt like inside when I got home from the event. Thank goodness for the man who played and sang for us. He helped me a little. I love music. I came home alone to my sick and blind little dog. She was no help either. :( >:(
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:10:59 +0000

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